So fun!

So, consider today show-and-tell, because I just had to share this stuff with you! 🙂

Cool Beans is officially on Amazon! Yups, that’s right, you can now preorder Cool Beans. It comes out April 2010. Which, ironically enough, is the three year anniversary of Miss Match’s release. Can we feel a contest coming on? 🙂 I’m SO excited!

And, I got the cover for the second book! Latte Daze is scheduled to release July 2010.

What do you think? Isn’t it gorgeous?!

Hope you are having a fabulous Wednesday!

All done!

I finally finished my deadline last week with 4,000 extra words! Oy! 🙂 Now comes the weed-eating process of trimming that down. I’ve got a busy week ahead!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

I really didn’t have that much to say, just wanted to pop in and say “hi!” Keep those names for the name contest coming – you guys are dreaming up some great ones! I have a special surprise in mind for the winner of the contest – beyond the name being in my next series and the winner being listed in the credits. Also, don’t forget to send me an email and sign up for my newsletter!