Balloon Fiesta Weekend

Oh this was a CRAZY weekend.

On Saturday, we were up and moving early to get to Nathan’s 9AM soccer game. It was SO cold that morning. Fall is here and came in a hurry! My allergies are already feeling it. Yuck.

The view out the window on the way to the game. Only in Albuquerque. 😉

Sweet soccer playing boy. 🙂

Seriously. The cheeks, people. The cheeks.

Some of the fans. 😉

Right after the soccer game, we did a couple of errands, then went to a birthday party for one of Nathan’s friends from BSF, then we put the boys down for naps and rest at Gammy and Pops’ house and then we spent the rest of the day swimming and eating dinner with some new friends there.

Sunday, we were hoping to go chase balloons but the winds were a little too rough for them, so instead I went to the grocery store and Costco while Jon did homework and I came home in time to do some cleaning before it was time to go to the Balloon Glow.

SO much fun! We went with Gammy, Cayce, Cayce’s roommate and her boyfriend and Nathan’s soccer coach who is from England and had never been to the Fiesta before. We had a great time! Parker’s expressions were just adorable. He was mesmerized by the flames and the fireworks.

Nathan was on a mission to find Spider Pig and he succeeded. Ha! He was SO happy.

Group shot!!

I adore this baby boy.

My sweet family during the fireworks. Parker was starting to lose it here. He’s becoming pretty attached to his 7:30 bedtime.

Such a wonderful weekend!! I’m off to make more pumpkin muffins (it’s fall. It’s kind of a necessary thing to have around), only this time I’m trying the two-ingredient muffins that are all over Pinterest. Except I might have to make mine three ingredients and add chocolate chips. 😉

Have a wonderful Monday! 

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Appointment and couch time


Parker’s six month well child check was yesterday. It’s always so sad to watch them get their shots but so encouraging to talk to the boys’ doctor! I just love her.

Parker is doing great! He weighs 18 pounds 11.5 ounces (66%), he’s 27.5 inches tall (76%) and his head is 45cm around (86%). He’s perfectly healthy though he might have a gluten or oat allergy… we have had some major throwing up (to the point where he is dry heaving) both of the last times he’s had oatmeal. 🙁 So we are sticking with fruits and veggies until he’s nine months old and then we’ll try some cereal again. Poor little guy. Have any of you dealt with this in a baby so little??

I dug out Nathan’s stats from his six month appointment and just started laughing. Nathan was the exact same age (down to the day!) and these are how they compare – Nathan is on the right, Parker is on the left:

I’m pretty sure Parker keeps those extra two pounds in his cheeks and thighs. 😉 Love them.

Yesterday afternoon, Nathan started running a very low grade fever and had another one this morning, so we’re in full-fledged movie day mode today which is really the best part about getting sick. 

We heart ibuprofen and Mickey Mouse movies and getting to eat meals on the couch (thus the blanket – I can’t stand crumbs in the couch). Somehow I think he might be better by the weekend. 😉 We have a fun weekend planned so I am really hoping we don’t have to change anything!!

This is the first time Nathan has been sick since Parker was pretty tiny – so we have a VERY depressed baby boy over here today since his buddy has been ordered to not play with him.

I mean really. This is just pathetic. 😉 Ha! LOVE how much they love each other.

Do you have any fun fall traditions you are doing this month??

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Pumpkin muffins

We have been eating these all weekend and guys – they are great. Which is something of a miracle considering that Nathan and I basically just made up the recipe on our own (something I’ve never done before!).

They taste good without the vanilla glaze but they taste fabulous with it. And since they are semi-healthy to start off with, I figure a little icing never hurt anyone. 😉

Enjoy!! 🙂

Pumpkin Muffins
 – makes 18 small/medium muffins or 12 large muffins –

1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup white flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
Pinch of allspice
1 (15oz) can of pumpkin
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix everything together. Spoon into muffin tins and bake for about 15 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool completely before adding glaze.

Vanilla glaze:
1 cup powdered sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon milk (may need a little more or a little less depending on consistency)

Mix together. When thick enough to coat but thin enough to pour, dunk tops of muffins in glaze and let set.


And just because they are two big loves… 😉

Happy fall!! 🙂

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Friday five and book club info :)

Yay! It’s Friday!!

I had so much fun with my Friday Five that I decided to do it again today. 😉

1. Fall.

 Not that it looks like this at my house in New Mexico, but I absolutely, positively, 100 percent LOVE this time of year. The decorations, the weather, the sweaters, the football, the pumpkin candles, the soups, the hot coffee on cold mornings, the lattes… you name it, I love it.

2. Snuggly sleepy boys.

He’s perfect.

3. ACFW Conference

I’m dying of jealousy that I am not there. NEXT YEAR. God willing. 😉

4. Pumpkin muffins

I’ll post the recipe Monday. But it officially smells like fall in my house!

5. Book club time!!!


So excited for this!! Okay – so I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – though, granted, it’s usually at 1AM or 5AM when I’m up with Parker, so this may not make much sense. 😉 We will have to try it this month and then work out the kinks for November!

First things first: Here is the book I chose:

Let Them Eat Cake by Sandra Byrd!!!

The official “about the book”:

Lexi Stuart is at a critical crossroads. She’s done with college but
still living at home, ready to launch a career but unable to find a
job, and solidly stalled between boyfriends.

When a lighthearted conversation in French with the manager of her
favorite bakery turns into a job offer, Lexi accepts. But the actual
glamour is minimal: the pay is less than generous, her co-workers are
skeptical, her bank account remains vertically-challenged, and her
parents are perpetually disappointed. Her only comfort comes from the
flirtatious baker she has her eye–but even may not be who he seems to

So when a handsome young executive dashes into the bakery to pick up
his high profile company’s special order for an important meeting–an
order Lexi has flubbed–she loses her compulsion to please. Something
inside Lexi clicks. Laissez la révolution commencer! Let the revolution begin!

Instead of trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations for her
life, Lexi embarks on an adventure in trusting herself and God with her
future–très bon

Five reasons why this book is great:
– It’s such a fun book to snuggle up with next to a warm dessert. 🙂 Perfect for fall!
– It’s hilarious. Lexi’s character is adorable.
– It’s the first in a three book series, so if you love Lexi and her friends (and I know you will!), there is lots more to love!
– It’s right now listed for $3.99 on Kindle – or for free if you have Kindle Unlimited! Totally doable for most of us. 🙂
– AND (my favorite part) the amazing Sandra Byrd has agreed to do a little interview once we’re done reading it and she’s even been so generous to offer a little giveaway! She’s wonderful!

So, here’s what I’m thinking. If you would like to join us in the book club, you need to have the book and have read it by October 24th. I’ll have some discussion questions for us and on that day, we’ll do a little live blogging day and we can all discuss it in the comments! Then, I’ll let Sandra take over and tell us her thoughts on the following Monday and we’ll have our giveaway.

Let me know if you have questions!! I’m so excited for our VERY informal but hopefully very fun book club!!

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Things that make me happy

A few things that have been making me smile lately…

1. New tricks

Little Parker Bear is on the move!! He rolls all over the room now. ALL over. We spend a good part of the day racing to clean up Nathan’s tiny toys before he gets to them. Parker is following in his brother’s footsteps though – his favorite thing to do is roll to the TV cabinet and kick or hit the DVD player. 😉

I looked at him yesterday and he’d been rolling so much, he had rug burn on his face. 🙁 Poor kid! He tries so hard to keep up with big brother.

2. Zoo days

We had a fantastic day at the zoo with our dear friends Jamie, Joel and Julia!! Love them so much.

3. Soccer games

He scored two goals last game and was the proudest kid you’ve ever seen. Love this picture of him, Coach Dad and Gammy. 🙂

4. First time playing at the park

He appeared to be a fan. 😉

5. Creative ideas

I told Nathan to go wash his hands the other day because he had just eaten some super juicy pear slices. He said, “Well, Mom. I was thinking maybe I could just not wash my hands and I could just eat and eat with my hands and get them all covered in sticky stuff so that then I could just stick to the wall like Spider-Man.”

6. Post-nap giggles

Sweet giggles from Erynn Mangum on Vimeo.

I adore this boy.

7. Book clubs

I decided on a book!! Tune in tomorrow for the big reveal and how we are going to do this little club. 😉

Have a great Thursday!!

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Parker is six months old!!

Seriously. I do not know how this is possible.


He turned six months old on the 16th!! This boy is just such a delight! He is so over the top smiley, so funny, so loud, so goofy and so so so loves to be included in everything we are doing. He adores his big brother and his brother adores him. Love that they are still such buddies!! He gets extra happy when Jon gets home from work and kicks and kicks until Jon picks him up. But he’s still a MAJOR Mama’s boy and it’s just totally unacceptable for me to be anywhere else except in the same room and holding him. 😉

His well-child appointment isn’t until next week, but if I had to guess, I’d say he weighs about eighteen pounds. He’s GIGANTIC. He’s such a chub and I just love every single roll.

He has the funniest little laugh and he screeches like a baby pterodactyl about 85% of the day. When he’s not screeching, he’s busy yelling, “NUH NUH NUH” at us all day long. He LOVES to be held and he’s never happier than when he’s being carried everywhere. The Ergo has saved my arms a lot lately. 😉

A new trick from Erynn Mangum on Vimeo.

Parker learned so many new tricks this month! He can now sit by himself, he rolls over from his back to his tummy (and does it all night long and then gets stuck in the corner of his crib. We haven’t been getting a lot of sleep here lately), he sticks his tongue out and he can pretend he’s chewing gum. He gets SO proud of himself whenever he learns something new. It’s about the cutest thing.

He also started eating solid foods this month! He’s eating oatmeal, pears and sweet potatoes. I’m hoping to start avocado and green beans this coming week. His little tummy seemed to be not feeling good yesterday so I’m waiting a few days to try more food. He loves to eat his food though. I think he feels very big. 🙂

He’s just the cutest, sweetest, funniest, snuggliest little six month old I know and I just adore him.

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We heart fall.

It’s gotten very cool here lately – especially in the mornings and evenings – and it’s been SO nice! We’ve had a lot of rain too which just makes it so wonderful to stay home, drink coffee and stay in our jammies. Love it.

 Nathan had his second soccer game last weekend (it was freezing that morning!) and did fantastic. Like really fantastic. Jon and I were so impressed! He ran after the ball and got in front of people and guarded his goal. At one point, he even stole the ball from someone. He did his best and we were so proud of him!!

Love this sweet boy and his wonderful daddy. 🙂

This is one of my favorite times of the day. We get the boys in bed, change into our comfy clothes and Jon and I then snuggle up on the couch with dessert and watch whatever show we are currently in the middle of. Love this time with him. And I love lemon bars. 😉

Then on Sunday, we went to the State Fair with Gammy and Pops! We had the best time!

Nathan got to pet a kangaroo that had a little joey in her pouch! So amazing!!

And in his favorite, favorite part – he got to ride a real, live horse for the first time. We surprised him with a ride and he was flying high the rest of the day. 😉

My Parker Bear was totally happy to just be carried around the whole day. 😉

We love the State Fair!

This is a typical position for this child. I’m convinced that postpartum hair loss is 30% hormones and 70% being the edible leash for this boy.

The rain looked like it was going to hold off before dinner one night after Jon got home so we walked down to the neighborhood park to play a family baseball game. So fun.

Parker got to ride in the big kid seat on the stroller for the first time. He spent most of the walk holding on. Ha! Then it started raining and we had to run all the way home in the rain. Oh well. We needed showers anyway. 😉

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Friday Five

the risk of being a little corny and having too much alliteration, I’ve
got five fun things this Friday! (And a kid who is just being super
goofy right now.) 🙂

1. Book Club

thrown this idea around a LOT and now I’m officially ready to commit!
Who is up for a VERY informal book club on here? The way I’m thinking it
will work is one day a month, we will discuss via the comments a book
we picked on the previous month. I think it will be a fun way to
discover some new authors you may not have read and meet some friends on
here! I have a couple of books in mind but I wanted to hear your
thoughts first – what are some books you would recommend for this?? 🙂

2. Writing practice.

Parker “has a really hard name”. 😉 Love this.

3. Sweet potatoes.

Hmm…what is this?
You hate me.
I guess I’ve had worse.
This isn’t too bad!
I like sweet potatoes!!


4. Bible study.

little stud was being super loud during Bible study yesterday so we
relocated out to the foyer so we weren’t a major distraction. Love my
baby pterodactyl. And Nathan talked the rest of the day about his class.
Love how excited he is.

5. Brothers.

The weirdness is contagious. 😉

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