Hello 2016!

SO much to catch up on here!! I’m going to be back-dating a few posts just to keep everything in order. 😉

Just before New Years, we had a HUGE snowstorm that dumped the best packing snow ever in our yard. Nathan was so excited!! Parker was a little more okay with the snow, but it’s still not his favorite. 😉 They built a snowman, named him Frosty and checked on him every single day of his two-plus week existence in our backyard until the day Parker came in and told me “Fwosty died.” Ha!

This is what I did while they played in the snow. I think I got the better deal. 😉

Baby sister is one week old! Fastest, busiest, craziest week of my whole life.

Snuggles with Daddy on his time off. Love this.

Milk coma faces are always the very best!!

 This kid adores his little sister with every fiber of his being.

Just for the fun of it, I did a little app that lists the “Best Nine of 2015”, or the most liked instagram posts I did for the entire year of 2015. I think it’s safe to say that pink kind of took over a little bit. 😉

We spent New Years Eve at home in our jammies – first one we haven’t been with family in as long as I can remember! But it was so nice to just be home after the insanity that was our Christmas week! We watched a Netflix countdown for the boys and then sent them off to bed.

Happy New Years, baby girl.

The boys were completely, 100 percent into the parade the next morning. I think Parker watched every second of it! And every time it went to a commercial, he started panicking and trying to find the “mote” so we could change it back to the parade. Ha! They had to reenact the parade right away and thought every single band looked like a bunch of Nutcrackers. 😉 At one point, there was a Disneyland float and you would have thought they were looking at a picture of heaven by how they both stared at the screen. 😉

Wide awake baby girl!! Eisley is such a good sleeper and spends most of her days asleep, but she has stretches of awake time that are just so precious!

Drunk little smiles. Love how she squishes up into her pre-birth positions still!

With all the busyness right after she was born, I know I overdid it several times. The week after she was born, I was in so much pain again, I couldn’t get out of bed by myself. I came out of the room and found this note from Nathan on the counter. It says, “Mom, I am sorry”. I just burst into tears. Such a sweet heart, my biggest boy has.

This little love is worth every second of pain, though!! Precious girl!

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Christmas 2015

Our Christmas was a little different than we expected. 😉

We woke up on Christmas morning after spending our first night at home with little miss Eisley. 🙂 She did great! The boys came running in to see her (Nathan was up SUPER early to come check her out) and I was completely flashing back to this moment only 21 months ago…

Time goes by too fast!!

We stayed in our jammies and drove over to Gammy and Pops’ house. Santa brought the boys new bikes and they were ecstatic.

Parker didn’t get off his most of the morning. 😉

Waiting not so patiently to open presents after our breakfast feast! 🙂

Uncle Bryant and baby Eisley. Love this. 🙂

It’s present time!! We were all spoiled with so many wonderful things!

Baby Gabriel. 🙂

Parker had totally warmed up to Eisley by this point and asked to hold her approximately 1,865 times that day. 🙂

Girl time. 🙂

By this point, both Jon and Eisley were exhausted. 😉

Love this!! There were seriously babies EVERYWHERE. Caleb and Nicole’s little Hudson is four weeks older than Eisley and Gabriel is only 5 months old. It was so fun!!

Merry Christmas – I love my little family. 🙂

The whole lot of us!! I adore this picture!! We kind of exploded with kids this year – such a huge blessing!!

The obligatory cousin picture – poor sweet Gabriel could barely breathe in the middle and Parker kept yelling “CHEESE STICK!!” while we were trying to take the picture. Ha!

My babies. My heart.

Things were such a zoo at my parents’ house and I was so tired from the c-section, that I didn’t get nearly the pictures I was hoping to get!! 🙁

The next morning, we woke up and did our little Christmas just the five (!!!) of us at home. 🙂 Two little boys in their new Christmas jammies were ready to go! (When I bought these at the beginning of December, I almost bought a pair of newborn matching girl ones but decided that she was definitely not going to be here for Christmas…should have gone with the first instinct!)

Sweet boy. 🙂 He loved the Star Wars wrapping paper too.

My Parker Bear. 🙂

We headed back over to Gammy and Pops’ house often while Caleb and Nicole were here and this little girl was such a trooper!! Her first week of life was just straight insanity, but she did fantastic through it all. 🙂 It’s been wonderful having this week to settle in and start figuring out how we are going to do this three kid thing. 😉

So thankful again for your prayers!! We cherish them! And we continue to pray for you!!

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The first few days

We spent two nights in the hospital with our sweet Eisley – so thankful for our healthy girl and the ability to go home a little earlier!

She got her first bath in the middle of the night and loved it – my girl loves having her hair washed! Since she was all nice and clean, we had to put her in her new jammies. And a bow. 😉

Love this… Daddy and his little girl. She had just had her bath and was about the sweetest thing in the whole world.

Sweet little smiles on her first morning out of the womb. Oh, how I love this girl!

 Eisley’s first visitor was Auntie Cayce! Love this of the two of them.

About mid-morning, my parents brought the boys to meet their new sister. Oh my heart! I just loved this. Nathan ran in SO excited. Parker did not know what to do with me in the bed and all the cords everywhere, bless his heart. He was very nervous about everything.

Proud big brother. He was so excited for this little girl! He barely let anyone else hold her the entire time he was at the hospital. 😉

Parker was still very nervous of this little baby. Sweet boy.

 Gammy and Pops finally got a turn. No thanks to Nathan, who was begging to have her back the whole time. 😉

Parker finally started warming up to Eisley and even sat with me for a few minutes, at least until he noticed the IV coming out of my hand and immediately got off the bed. So hard! I hated seeing him so overwhelmed!

Our family!! I love this!! 🙂

The boys left and Dad finally got his turn again. 😉 I was a little bit of a baby hog at the hospital (who am I kidding – I’m still hogging her. I know how quickly time flies now!!), so Jon took advantage of any minute I couldn’t hold her.

Finally got my IV capped off and my catheter out! Time to hit the hallways with this little love to get Mama well enough to go home!


Uncle Bryant and Auntie Nicole brought dinner and snuggled sweet Eisley for awhile that night!

The next morning was Christmas Eve and several news stations around town have a tradition of coming and videoing all the newborns in the hospital inside stockings. Sweet little girl looked so tiny inside hers! And this was so fun for Jon – his birthday is November 30th and when he was born, the hospital he was at put all the newborns in stockings as well. Such a special thing for them to share!

We were very nervous that we wouldn’t get to go home until Christmas morning since the hospital usually has a policy that you have to be there for 48 hours after a c-section. We begged and pleaded and sweet talked every nurse and doctor we saw to let us go home early so we could spend Christmas morning with the boys and Eisley. Ha! I think everyone was so tired of us asking constantly that they finally just agreed to let us leave on Christmas Eve afternoon. 😉 Seriously though, we had the sweetest nurses ever! And I definitely started crying when they told me we got to go home and celebrate Christmas with our whole family together!

Precious baby doll was ready to go home! I about died putting this outfit on her – so much girly sweetness!!

Having a little chat with Daddy while we waited for our discharge paperwork.

One beautiful baby girl and one mama ready to get home!

Little peanut in her car seat!! She’s by far the tiniest little love we’ve ever had in here! 🙂

Baby girl was so happy to be home in her own bed! Funny story – since we thought we had two more weeks before she was coming, we had just ordered her pack ‘n play a few days earlier. Thankfully it arrived and was sitting on our porch when we drove up from the hospital! Ha!

We showered quickly and then drove over to my parents’ house. The boys were still over there, Bryant and Nicole, Caleb and Nicole and Cayce were all there as well for our Christmas Eve dinner. And someone was finally super excited to see his mama and baby sister…

Oh how I love my sweet babies!!

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Meeting sweet Eisley

my goodness – these last twelve days have just flown by. We are soaking
up every single millisecond with this baby girl because I know I will
blink and she will be five years old. I’m still in shock that she’s
really here!

On Tuesday, December 22nd, I had a
doctor’s appointment in the morning. I’d been having random contractions
for a few weeks and occasionally they would regulate for a little bit,
but then they would always stop or slow down. When I got to the office, I
was having contractions ever five or six minutes, but they weren’t
painful and they weren’t very strong or regular. My doctor told me to
give him a call if they got closer together or more painful and sent us

We did a few errands, put the kids in bed for
naps and around 3:30, I started noticing that the contractions were
quite a bit stronger and coming more frequently. I timed them and they
were every three to four minutes. I called my doctor and he told me to
keep monitoring them and if they continued to call him right back.

7:00, I was having strong contractions every two minutes and we called
my doctor back and he told us to meet him at Triage. We spent the little
bit packing like crazy people, because we were not expecting her to
come this early!! 😉 We met my parents and gave them the boys and headed
to the hospital. I still didn’t really believe she was coming – I
figured they would tell me it was all in my head and to go home. Jon and
I got in the elevator and I was unconsciously rocking back and forth
during one of the contractions and he grinned and said, “yeah, we’re
having this baby tonight.”

By the time we got checked
into Triage about 8:30 or so, I was dilating and the contractions were
very steady every one and a half minutes and were peaking well past the
gridlines on the monitors. Eisley’s heartbeat was perfect! My doctor
came in, grinned at me and told me that we were about to meet our baby
girl. Which is when I started crying. 😉

Time went by
so so quickly! Since both of the boys were c-sections, I didn’t really
get an option with Eisley, even though I had started dilating. So, one
minute I was getting checked and the next, I was walking to the
operating room and kissing Jon goodbye until I got my spinal in place. I
laid there like a nervous wreck and pestered the anesthesiologist with a
million questions until Jon finally arrived back in and I could just
ask him instead.

Time got very slow here. Jon got to
watch as our sweet daughter was born and a minute later, I heard her
start crying. Which made me start crying all over again. She had a ton
of fluid in her lungs and because of that, she didn’t score very well on
her oxygen counts at first. A NICU doctor came into check her out and I
spent the longest twenty minutes ever just watching her on the table
across the room as they checked her. They finally announced she was okay
but by then, my doctor was almost done stitching me up, so they decided
to take her to the recovery room and let me hold her there. I got to
kiss her sweet cheeks and talk to her for a few minutes before they took
her away and finished stitching me up. She was crying when they brought
her over but as soon as I started talking to her, she immediately
settled down and just looked at me. My heart was just melting!

my precious girl! She still wasn’t scoring very well in the recovery
room until they put her on my chest and her oxygen counts immediately
spiked. She looked so much like Parker when she was first born with her
little cheeks, but she weighed almost two pounds less than he did when
he was born! Her cheeks are about the only fat she has on her petite
little frame.

just held her and studied her and helped her nurse for about two hours
before they moved us to our room. I know exactly how fast these sweet
moments slip away so I don’t think I let go of her the entire night. The
nurses kept commenting on how alert I was and how they never saw Eisley
set down. 😉

sweet girl. I cannot get enough of her! This is how I spent the entire
first night. I don’t think I got more than about 30 minutes of sleep.

else is pretty taken with his daughter too – this girl was about three
seconds old and she had her daddy completely wrapped around her finger.

little love – she has just been the best little baby! We are so
thankful to have her in our arms! Not a moment goes by that I don’t
thank Jesus for these precious babies he’s given us. We are so, so

Please know that I am continuing to pray for
you, my friend, as many of you are still waiting for your answer from
Jesus. God is good! He has not forgotten you. Much love to you all!!

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Happy birthday!!

We are so excited to introduce our most wonderful Christmas gift straight from the arms of Jesus!

 Eisley Laine O’Brien was born December 22, 2015 at 9:40pm. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long.

is perfect and precious and the most beautiful little girl we’ve ever
seen! So thankful for her, for your prayers covering us and for our
sweet family of five. Jesus is so good!

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A letter to my boys

My sweet boys,

There is just so much to say and yet so much that I can’t put into words! God willing, soon – very, very soon – there is going to be a wonderful little person who joins this family. And she will change everything!

It has just been the two of you for the last almost two years and I have just been so blessed to see how you two love each other. You are inseparable. Even when you are both tired and grouchy and bickering, you can’t stand to be apart. I love that you have this bond! I love that you are so close. And I can’t wait to see how your little sister fits into that bond.

Things will be different – oh, how things will be different! We will all have to adjust to this new way of life. Not only are we bringing in another baby, another soul, another child with needs and opinions and desires, we are also changing things completely by bringing in a sister. Boys, I am SO excited for you to have a sister! And she has no idea how blessed she is to have two older brothers who will watch out for her and protect her as she grows up.

I can’t wait, sweet sons. I can’t wait to watch you both with this new precious girl, another best friend, someone to round out the Three Musketeers. I can’t wait to watch Parker become a big brother, to watch Nathan experience a baby sibling again. You are both in for so much fun!

You are so loved, Nathan. You are so loved, Parker! Never, ever forget that!!

Love you so much,

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Baby #3 – 37 weeks and stats

Oh my goodness, I cannot even believe I am writing this post! 🙂 How are we already at 37 weeks? With both of the boys, I wrote down a bunch of stats from the pregnancy on this week and they are still some of my favorite posts. So I had to do it again this time with Little Miss E!

Total Weight Gain (thus far
anyway): 30 pounds. I had gained two extra, but dropped two and have stayed at the same weight for the last couple of weeks. We will see what the Christmas goodies do to this weight gain though. 😉 I have noticed that my meals are getting smaller and smaller – she’s taking up all the room in there! I have another appointment tomorrow morning, so we will see what the box of homemade caramels my grandmother sent does to my weight gain. 😉

Baby Stats:
According to the books, she weighs a little over six pounds and is at her  birth length now. I’m assuming she’s right around there – at my appointment last week, I was measuring a week behind, so maybe our Little Miss will be more petite than her brothers. 😉

Movement: Baby E is not as active as her biggest big brother (but I’ve heard of very few babies who are!), but she’s probably more active than Parker was. She tends to start moving as soon as I sit down when the boys are either down for rest time or in bed at night. She turned breech a couple of weeks ago (and I felt it – it HURT), but she flipped back around and I’ve felt her little toes on my rib cage ever since. 😉 Sometimes she’s fairly quiet in there and I get super worried and then she’ll start moving around again. It’s so fun to watch her move around in there – that’s definitely my absolute favorite part of pregnancy. It’s amazing how well you can know a baby before they are even born.

Swelling: I’ve had basically no swelling this pregnancy! What little I’ve had has been in my hands – my rings haven’t fit for awhile, but my ankles still look normal. 😉 I have noticed a little puffiness in my face but I haven’t had anything like I did with Parker! So thankful – it makes moving around a lot easier this time.

Cravings: In the beginning, I wanted a lot of chocolate and since then, I’ve still favored the sweets this time around. Now that we are at the end, I’m really liking cold things like fruit, ice water and milkshakes always sound good…maybe this is just a nine months pregnant thing for me? 😉 Otherwise, I haven’t craved hardly anything!

Aversions: I haven’t really had any aversions this time!! I felt great for 97% of this pregnancy – I think I was sick to my stomach for the first couple of weeks, but from about 8 weeks on, I have hardly been sick or thought something was just disgusting. Every so often in the last three weeks, I’ve been nauseous, but I think it’s more her position than anything now.

Sleeping: Sleeping has not been that great lately. I’ve decided that this is God’s way of preparing mamas for lots of sleepless nights in a few weeks! It’s so hard to get comfortable and I’ve had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions that keep me up. So between everything, it’s hard to get a good night’s rest. I am so ready for a sweet smelling newborn to snuggle at night!! She cannot get here fast enough.

Maternity Clothes: I am down to about three shirts that still cover my big tummy, so I just rotate those out. I don’t remember when I first started having to wear maternity clothes, but I remember it was later than it was with Parker, as weird as that is!

Baby’s Room: Since Parker is still in a crib (and I have zero desire to move him right now!), we are doing things a little differently this time around! We always keep the babies in our room for the first many months anyway, so since there wasn’t really a reason to move Parker to Nathan’s room quite yet, I decided to do a little “Baby’s room corner” in our room this time. 🙂 I went back and forth on just going ahead and moving Parker to a big boy bed, but he sleeps so well that it just didn’t make sense to move him when we are about to be losing sleep anyway! I will post pictures of her little set up this week. 🙂

Mood Swings: I think for the most part, I’ve been pretty even keeled this time around. Occasionally, something will make me all teary, but I’ve mostly just been tired. I think a lot of that is due to having two boys running around right now too. 😉

Welp. Failed at this again. So far, the only pregnancy I have consistently worked out during is Nathan’s. I had a stretch there with this one where I honestly tried, but between the boys and the deadline and our crazy schedule, it just didn’t happen. 

Birth Plans: Nathan was an emergency c-section after 18 hours of
labor and he scared me to death. I went into labor with Parker, and hoped for a VBAC, but never dilated, so we did another c-section. This time around, I don’t really have a choice, so c-section it is and we already have the date scheduled. I’ve been having lots of sporadic contractions lately, so we are really hoping for her to make her entrance a little earlier!

Nathan: He’s so excited for a baby sister. 🙂 I don’t think he remembers very much about Parker’s birth and newborn days, so I’m excited for him to get to experience them again. It will be SO nice to have a little helper there and someone around to entertain Parker. 😉 He’s going to be a great big brother to a little sister – he’s already talking about how he’s going to be the big protector guy.

Parker: Oh goodness. I am worried about this little bear! He’s been so clingy, so needy and so “No, Mommy do it!” lately that I just know he knows something is about to happen. He loves to talk about Baby E and rub my tummy and give it kisses, but he is very insistent that he is still a baby. I’m just praying for lots of patience for me and for him over the next few months!! He adores babies, so I think he will love his sister. I just don’t think he will love sharing “his” mama. 😉

Me: I am doing well! I’m feeling good and other than being tired, I’ve been doing great. With the deadline, I put off a lot of stuff until now, so I’ve been rushing around trying to get everything done for our Little Miss and Christmas at the same time. My brain has NOT been working with all the things I’m trying to remember to do! Poor Jon has dealt with some major pregnancy brain from me. 😉 I am so ready to meet our sweet girl! I can’t wait to see her face – I feel like my boys don’t look super similar, so I’m curious what she’s going to look like. 😉

So thankful for the prayers and sweet messages we have received from you all over the past many months!! We are SO excited for this little love!! Please continue to keep her safety and us in your prayers as we approach these last couple of weeks!!

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Cold days

It has been cold, cold, COLD outside lately! We’ve been spending quite a few days bundled up inside preparing things for baby sister’s arrival and we’ve started closing up the activities for the year. 🙂
Parker had another makeup swim lesson this last week and so Jon got to swim with him again. Looks like they had a terrible time. 😉 Nathan’s lesson was earlier in the day and he did fantastic! We are now officially on Christmas/Baby break from both school and swim lessons!!
 Baby Gabriel was working on some tummy time at some friends’ Christmas party and Parker said, “Gabriel do pushup!” and tried to show him how to do it. Ha!
On Sunday morning, we woke up to about 1.5 or 2 inches of snow! Nathan was ECSTATIC. He was bouncing off the walls he was so excited and I’m pretty sure he had on his snow gloves before I was even halfway out of bed. Parker was not quite sure what to make of it – the outfit or the brother. 😉
Two snow bunnies out making snow angels and one little man who might be more of a beach bum when he gets older… 😉 Ha! He loved to stand out there and sing “Frosty the Snowman” and yell “it’s snowing!” but he didn’t like the snow at all. Didn’t want to touch it, didn’t want to stand in it. We finally got him a little warmed up to the idea but he still just wasn’t a big fan.
They tried to make a little snowman but it wasn’t the best packing snow. Love all these sweet boys!!
Sitting in the snow in Dad’s truck. 😉 It was just about time to come inside and warm up with some hot chocolate and hot from the oven blueberry muffins. Parker was more than ready but we had to drag Nathan inside. 😉

I’ve been a crocheting MACHINE lately – I think I’ve been busy almost every time the boys are in bed with Christmas gifts and getting things done for sweet baby E (love seeing your guesses on her name, by the way!). We got the green light at our appointment last week, so I’m not-so-secretly praying she comes sooner as opposed to later! 🙂 Can’t wait to see her precious little face!

Every year during Advent, we take the kids to get frozen yogurt and it’s always one of Nathan’s favorite traditions. Parker was a big fan of it too this year!

Love the nights when we are all snuggled up and reading Christmas stories together! And I LOVED Parker’s hand on Nathan’s shoulder. These boys definitely spend a fair share of time bickering but they are the best of friends and are rarely more than a few feet apart. Such a blessing!!
Let the countdown to Baby E officially begin! Three weeks from yesterday, if not sooner! Please keep her in your prayers! 🙂

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Getting ready

Oh my goodness. We have been so busy and so purposefully NOT busy that I have been totally spacing this blog! First things first, thank you all so much for participating in my Katie in Waiting contests!! And a HUGE thank you to everyone who has purchased the book and reviewed it!! 🙂 I love reading your thoughts!!

We have been in full Baby Prep and Christmas mode over here, so prepare for a HUGE onslaught of pictures!!! 😉

 One of the outdoor malls in town always makes a big deal about lighting of the Christmas tree, so we went and had such a great time! Free fondue, free hot chocolate and cider and free face painting…what’s not to love? 😉

Bryant, Nicole, Gabriel and Cayce came with us, so we all went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen afterward. So much fun!!

This kid loved his hot tea. Plus I think he felt just like a big kid drinking out of a big cup. This lasted about six minutes before the cup fell out of his hands and exploded all over the sidewalk. 😉

Parker ended up getting a double ear infection that week and so Pops came and took Nathan to swim lessons on Friday. They had planned on getting lunch and maybe bowling, but it turned into an entire Pops and Nathan Day and Nathan had the absolute BEST time!!

I got this picture late that afternoon – I mean, he had a terrible time. 😉 They didn’t come back until dinner!! Nathan loved every second of it.

He did his first Grand Prix with Awana this year!! Jon and Nathan had such a fun time making their Batmobile together and he was so proud of it. 🙂

We took Jon out for an early birthday dinner the night before Thanksgiving – Parker looks less than thrilled but he really had a good time and LOVED when they sang Happy Birthday to Jon.

My two little turkeys on Thanksgiving Day!! This Thanksgiving was just a little different – we were supposed to be in California with Jon’s family, but since I had early labor with Parker, we decided it would be best to stay home just to be safe. I can’t wait until there are three little O’Brien turkeys next year, God willing!!

Our little Thanksgiving crew – Caleb and Nicole were in California waiting for my nephew’s arrival, Bryant and Nicole were with her family here. We still had a great feast and I ended the night with a lot of Braxton Hicks, so we were thankful we had decided to stay close to our doctor but we missed our California family!!

 The next day, Jon braved the early morning Black Friday crowds and got us a new Christmas tree!! Our old one was the one I had grown up with and it was in very sad shape. We love our new tree! Our little helpers were in full force decorating this day. 😉

Parker has no concept of stockings but he does know what they look like…. ha!!

And I’m not sure Jon can do the lights without his right hand man. 😉 I think this is one of Nathan’s favorite things to do since he gets to stand on the ladder while they are working.

It’s Christmas!!! Love that there are FIVE stockings up there!! We are so blessed!!!

We went over to Gammy and Pops’ for leftovers for dinner and to anxiously wait all together by our phones because someone decided to finally come that night! 🙂

My littlest nephew Hudson!! He finally made his appearance early on the morning of the 28th and is just pure sweetness. It’s so fun to see Caleb and Nicole as parents. Cannot wait to hold him!!!

We celebrated Jon’s 31st birthday with my family that next night. Love this man. 😉 Love his constant shadow. 😉

Gabriel decorated Thanksgiving shirts with us, so this was the first time we had the boys all together with dry shirts to model. 😉 These three are just so fun. I can’t wait to see them grow up together!

Me and my sweet Gabriel. He had surgery the next morning to repair his cleft lip, so we spent Monday by our phones praying.

Sweet boy post surgery – he was so doped up here. Jon and I went to go visit him that night and it was just so hard to see him in the hospital bed. 🙁

 Monday morning, was our annual Christmas tradition of seeing the Nutcracker! We love that Gammy comes with us!

 Love our tradition. Love these boys!! Parker sat perfectly still on my lap through the entire hour-long performance – it was SO much better than I was worrying about!! He got kicked through the whole thing by his baby sister, but he didn’t seem to mind. 😉 And Nathan loved it like he does every year!!

Nathan wanted to take a few pictures before the show started. 😉

Monday was also Jon’s birthday, so we went home after the hospital and opened some presents and had a little family birthday just the almost five of us. 😉

December 1st started our Advent. This is one of Nathan’s favorite parts of the whole season! We’ve had so much fun introducing Parker to it! 🙂

Hot chocolate, boys in their jammies and Charlie Brown Christmas – not a bad way at all to end the day. 🙂

I go in and check on the boys every night before I go to bed. Nathan just looked so old to me this night. My boys are growing up before my eyes and I just wish time would freeze for a little bit! I want to have their baby sister here and just figure out how to stop time then.

And speaking of getting old – for about two days, our house turned into Nathan’s office complex for his real estate business. He was a teacher on the side and sold people backyards. He made up business cards and everything for himself and carried them in a briefcase. 😉 He wants to be exactly like his dad.

The boys have been doing swim lessons for the last few months at an indoor swim school in town. It is totally one of the highlights of their week! Parker LOVES it! We had to do a makeup lesson on Friday night because Parker missed one week with his ear infection, so Jon got to do it with him. 🙂

And this guy is an official Guppy Class graduate!! He has worked so hard for the coveted Guppy Grad snap on his goggles and he did great!! He has become quite the little fish in the water – moving on up to the next class! He’s decided he’s going to go to the Olympics someday. 😉

Haircut #7 for this boy – I swear, Parker’s secret talent is growing hair. He has gorgeous hair too – it’s so soft and perfect! He was way overdue for a haircut this time around!

Writing their lists for Santa (or “Yanta”, as Parker calls him). We let Nathan write his list as much as he could by himself and he did a pretty good job!! Most things I could figure out what he was trying to say. 😉

On Monday, we walked into Nathan’s school for his end of the year Christmas party and found a surprise baby shower instead – so, so kind!! We were so overwhelmed and thankful!!

Sweet baby boy got his stitches out yesterday!! So thankful that he’s doing so well!

So much going on in such a short amount of time!! I’m so thankful for my family and for the fun we are having this season. Please continue to pray for us with little Baby E’s arrival (let the name guessing begin! ha!) – we are just praying for her safety and for a smooth transition for the boys. So ready to just have her in our arms!! I’m hoping to do the finishing touches for her this weekend, so I will do a post then with her “room” (which is right now just a corner in our room. 😉 She’ll get her own room when we move Parker to Nathan’s room after he turns two!).

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful Christmas season!!

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Tomorrow, tomorrow!!

Katie in Waiting releases TOMORROW!! 🙂

I just cannot wait! And a big thank you to everyone who has participated in the Week of Waiting contests – I have had so much fun and been so encouraged reading your answers to the questions! You guys are amazing.

Today, we have our very last contest! The book releases tomorrow, but I’ll leave the contest up until Monday! Today, I am giving away…

Yep! An autographed copy of Katie in Waiting!! Yay! To enter, use the Rafflecopter below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So excited for you to meet Katie and her friends!! 🙂 

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