We’ve been praying so hard for Gammy and for Zander’s sweet family.
I wrote this on Instagram right after Zander’s beautiful service and figured it would be good to write it here: Little Zander’s service was yesterday. There is much but two things especially – his parents are the bravest, most selfless people I know (which I already knew but was just reminded of yesterday). Zander was adopted one year ago and they knew as they said yes that his broken heart would likely lead to theirs. But they still said yes and he was LOVED. At one point, I looked around at the standing-room-only service and thought about how not long ago, this little kid in China didn’t have anyone. And now, he is leaving behind a huge family who adored him, a church family who treasured him and so many, many friends who delighted in him and the stories of him. What a legacy and at only 3 years old. At the service, they told about how right after he died, his dad led the family in worship just like Zander was doing in heaven at that moment too. God is good, friends. Even in the horrific. He is good.
Lots to pray about these days.

Eisley is headlong into the “help you” phase that all our kids have gone through and it’s so sweet. She went out and helped Jon fix Nathan’s bike the other day.

Finally got his real cast on! He was so cute. He debated what color he wanted up until the night before his appointment. That morning, he came downstairs and declared he wanted a Viking cast. So we did our best to make that happen, with a little magic from Gammy’s Cricut machine.

At dinner: “Look, Mom! I learned how to cross my eyes!” It’s a good skill to learn, I guess! Love the weird, half-rubbed-off tattoo on his arm too. Ha!

These two. They are constantly fighting and bickering and yelling at each other but then they have these moments of just being so, so sweet. It gives me hope for the future! We went bowling and after every turn Parker had, Eisley would run over yelling, “YAY PARK-BEAR!” and give him a huge hug. I have a feeling they’ll be just fine.

It’s exhausting to be this cute. 😉
So many prayers and worries and concerns this month. It has put so much into perspective for me. The things that would have been a GIANT deal are not so giant, when you think about it. Trying my best to soak in my kids and retreat into the Word and not get distracted by the little annoyances of life.