It’s Jaquelyn! 🙂
Congrats!! Email me at and I’ll send that right off!! 🙂 Next Friday, I’ll be giving away Double Shot!
This Thanksgiving, we had a wonderful, wonderful time at Gammy and Pops’ house. I think we spent the majority of almost every day this holiday weekend there – so restful! All we did was eat and visit and watch movies and play games. Best kind of holiday. 😉 I don’t think I took off my blue fuzzy slippers except for a two hour stint one day.
My highlight of the weekend was when we were all saying what we were thankful for and Nathan told everyone that he was thankful “for my payents (parents).” There might have been tears. 😉
My family on Thanksgiving night. Love this!
Last night, they gave Jon a surprise birthday celebration since my sweet husband’s birthday is this Friday. So fun – we were both surprised, actually. Ha! 😉
Our little present opener. He is a mess. I told Jon one day this weekend that I wasn’t sure that both Nathan and myself were going to make it through this “I Am Two” stage we are in. Oy. Not sure how my son can go from being the most perfect little angel in the world to a screaming, crying, hitting and kicking mess in .0076 seconds.
Me and my love. I can’t put into words how much I adore this man.
We also started our advent a little early this year! I am loving it with Nathan. 🙂 Just for my memories’ sake, I’m going to do a couple of posts on the things we did this year getting ready for Jesus.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and are getting back into the swing of things now!