Goodness, it’s been busy. I feel like I say this all the time and maybe it’s just this stage of life with three little kids and school and sports and all the activities, but I am really, really ready for life to slow down.

Pizza movie night is still a big deal on Friday nights at our house! On this Friday, we got pizza from a local pizza place that I grew up going to and went inside to pick it up. There’s a place for the kids to watch where the people make the pizza. The kids LOVED it. They were like goading the poor employees into a pizza tossing contest. So fun. The guys working there that night were so cute with them.

Poor dog spends 90% of her day with a child on her. I know how she feels. 😉

Last day of Sparkies!! Nathan is officially graduated from Sparkies and got the coveted Sparky Award. He was SO proud.

Just because I like to make myself cry. First day of Sparkies, year one to the last day of Sparkies, year three. We LOVE Awana!

The kids saw these little “surprise Lego man” bags at the Target checkout and they were one dollar and that’s all I heard about the entire week until we went back to Target with their money. They each bought a bag and they were each disappointed with what they got. 😉 It was a good lesson in never buying mystery items. Ha!

One of the experiments Nathan had in science this week was making ice cream in a bag. So we waited to do until family dinner night at Gammy and Pops’ house. The excitement level started out high and then I’m pretty sure that Jon, Nathan and Uncle Bryant ended up shaking most of the bags until they were done. Ha!

Eisley: “Wow, dat was hawd work!” Riiiight. 😉

After a particularly trying day right at the end of the week, I was doing my quiet time the next morning and God gently (aka not gently) reminded me that my attitude for the day if often mirrored in my kids. This time of life is so emotionally and physically exhausting and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. These three little people are the world to me and more than anything else, I want them to grow up to be kind, hardworking people who love Jesus and serve Him. It’s a good reminder that I need to be setting that example to my children, because what they see and hear is going to set the stage for what they become.