We had absolutely GORGEOUS weather at this game! It was so much fun. Parker is so cute to watch – he just runs with a smile the entire game.
Sidelines with these two. I fed Parker dinner before the game and packed it for the other two. A certain little miss sits a lot better for the games if she’s constantly snacking. 😉
Cubbies Award Night!! Parker was SO excited! They had a pizza party and handed out the awards. I can’t believe the Awana year is already done.
Another day, another baseball game. It was FREEZING on this morning. Everyone in the stands was just piling on all the layers we could find.
Hanging out on the sidelines. She was only content in the chair for about half of the game.
The stands were cracking up the third base coach in this game. Ha! Maybe the laughing kept him a little warmer. 😉
Someone discovered the Boxcar Children this week and he’s just been obsessed. I seriously was tearing up – I’m SO thankful that he’s come far enough in his reading that he can enjoy the bigger kid books!