On the plus side, Maila is quite the little trooper. She just pretty much goes along with whatever the kids want her to do. I have this hope that she’s going to end up being a good dog.
As they are running outside to play that afternoon, Parker yells, “Nathan! I have an idea! Let’s pretend that we are two kids who just got a puppy!” Ha! Also, we have pants and shoes that are specifically ONLY to be worn when they are in the backyard and never in public. Behold those pants and shoes. 😉
Eisley is very loud about her love for Maila.
I came in the playroom and saw this and immediately was like, “WHAT are you guys doing?” And Nathan says, “It’s like bumper cars, Mom.” But why. 😉
Lazy post-nap Sunday afternoons in front of the fireplace are the best things ever.
It’s been SO mild out during the days and so freezing cold at night. I’m ready for warmer weather!! Though, with the warmer weather will come work outside, so maybe we’ll just hold on to the cold for a little bit longer. 😉