We ended the year with this little miss who felt the need for a “ba-yer-ina” day. 😉 I can’t believe how much she grew this year! Two is my most and least favorite age, I think. With her, I feel like I’m a lot more chill about the random tantrums and I can laugh a little more at the “NO I DO IT” stage. Now that we’ve done this twice already, I’m more just soaking in this age of baby and big girl and all the ways they mix together. I hope she starts growing slower.
Nathan’s top front tooth had been loose FOREVER and he finally decided he was going to pull it out on New Years Eve. I love Parker here. Ha! Nathan worked on it and worked on it and the tooth was just not coming out, so he paused to have a snack with the other two and said something to me and I was like, “Um, Nathan? Where’s your tooth?”
Gone by Graham Cracker. 😉 Sounds like the title of a kid’s book. He looks so different!!
Eisley could NOT stop staring and saying, “Naynen, where your toof go?” Ha! We were cracking up the rest of the day.
At bedtime, he came to us with this to put under his pillow. DYING. He had a little help on the spelling – still working on our “ed” and “ea” phonograms. 😉
Last family picture of 2017!! We watched an Inspector Gadget kids countdown on Netflix right at their bedtime, kissed everyone like 87 times by the time everything was done and sent the kids to bed. Love these kinds of New Years Eves.
Happy 2018 everyone!