Today, you are two years old!! I just can’t even believe it. The years are flying past and I feel like you were just born a few minutes ago, and here you are! Running everywhere, little miss independent, feisty as ever! You have added so much joy and laughter to our home and we can not imagine our life without you.
This was a HUGE year for you! I feel like the year between turning one and two is an entire lifetime. You were barely walking when you started this year and now, you never stop playing, jumping, dancing or trying to do whatever your brothers are doing. You love love love, more than anything else, to be right next to me, doing exactly what I’m doing.
I can’t believe how little tiny you were just a year ago! You have grown and changed so much. You have always been so smiley and so funny. It’s so cute to watch your little (HUGE) personality shine this year!
You love to be included in anything and everything that we are doing and you hate feeling left out. If there’s even the idea of you not getting to participate in something, even if it’s an activity you don’t like, you still freak out. Ha! You love to feel big.
You love to make us laugh!! I love how mischievous you can look, with your little nose all wrinkled up, the funniest little gleam in your eyes. You thrive on it! It’s hilarious watching you with your brothers. You also love to be the boss. Any time I tell the boys to do something, you’re right there next to me, echoing whatever I say.
In so many ways, you went from being a baby to a little girl this year. You started talking so much! Your vocabulary went through the roof. You started playing pretend with the boys instead of just wrecking whatever they were doing. But, you’re still my baby and I tell you that often. You need to stay little. 😉
You adore all things GIRL. You love baby dolls and strollers and getting your hair fixed and PINK. You also love playing trucks and digging in the dirt and being a football player in the play room and everything the boys love to do. You are just this incredible, perfect mix of girly girl and tomboy and I love seeing how you meld it all together!
You had a HUGE adventure this year and went with me to London! We had the best girl time together and I’ll remember those sweet days with you forever. You just bring so much sunshine wherever you go.
You are brave. You are smart. You are funny. You are just my precious Eisley girl and we love you so much!
Happy 2nd birthday, baby girl!!
Love always,