He walked past me like this while I was eating breakfast and casually told me see you later, because he has turned into a plane. Ha!
Cookie decorating day!! Otherwise known as How Many Sprinkles Can We Fit Onto One Cookie day. 😉
Someone was a huge fan of this afternoon. 😉 Jammies and all!
Christmas Light Night is a close second to the Melting Pot. We always get Starbucks and drive to the same neighborhoods every year! This year, Nathan made a thank you note for the owners of our favorite house. It was really sweet – such a kind heart to come up with that!
Look who is in town!! My amazing grandma came in town for a few days before Christmas this year! We all piled on all the warm clothes we could find and headed to the River of Lights. So much fun!
Love this of Auntie Cayce and Eisley. She was so in awe of the little train with the lights on it.
Little Miss has been in HEAVEN with so much time with baby Samuel and Nama and Hudson and Nora are on their way here now too! We can’t wait to have the whole family together!!