Goodness, we have not stopped lately. Parker’s doctor’s appointment finally happened and it was confirmed that he does have asthma. I have never in my life seen a medication that worked faster than his inhaler. Seriously, like thirty seconds after he used it for the first time, he just stopped coughing. It was incredible. I’m so thankful this medicine is available for my boy!!

She was just sitting there in her brothers’ Spiderman costume, ripping apart the artwork the boys had made that day. So, like the mother of three that I am, I took a picture of her first before I took the paper away and told her, “You are destructive.” She looked at me, shook her head and said, “No, I Eisey.”

This is the only way we stop. I woke up this morning feeling pretty under the weather, and since it was our school flex day, I decided that we would have a movie day so I could just lay down and drink my weight in tea and orange juice. It seemed to work – by the next evening, I was back to feeling okay.
Just a side note, more so I remember these days than anything. We hit school pretty hard four days a week – Monday through Thursdays. Then, on Fridays, if we have finished all our work for the week, we usually are able to do a lot of “non-seat work”, as in, we play games or read or build stuff or do art projects. Nathan’s school last year did this model and I LOVED it, there was so much more freedom. Plus, we occasionally go to shows at the theater like the Nutcracker or different plays and this way, if we end up not getting everything done on those days, we can slide it around without causing too much issue and our Flex Day just becomes another school day. At this point, Nathan has graduated from 1st grade math and will start 2nd grade math in January, he’s finished 1st grade handwriting, he’ll finish his social studies/history probably at the end of January…. I’m running out of stuff for this kid to do, so he’s just moving on to 2nd grade. 😉

My house is ALWAYS loud, but on this particular day, Jon came home and walked in the door and went immediately to being a rodeo bull, so the walls were shaking with how loud it was in here. I felt like I needed to deliver apology notes and plates of cookies to all the neighbors within a mile radius of us. There is definitely a reason why I get up an hour and a half before everyone wakes up and we still have mandatory rest time while Eisley is napping. #onlytimethehouseisquiet
Winter break hit really early this year! We usually just follow Jon’s school schedule so the kids are always off when he’s off, but starting the 16th seemed SO early. Plus, we’ll have to get back to school on the 2nd now, so I kind of wish we’d done school another week so we could take that week after New Year’s off. Oh well. 😉

First day of break and this is what I walked into after eating breakfast. Oh my goodness.

Someone loves herself a good filter. Ha!

On our way to church – they look so adorable and so old.

My sweet girl is going to be TWO in less than a week and I can barely stand it. How is she so old already?? She was just born a few months ago. This dress was about four different girl’s in the Lunch Bunch and I LOVE that my girl gets to wear it now.

The kids start talking about this night sometime in the fall, they love it so much!! When Parker was a baby, we decided that one of our special traditions was going to be taking the kids for dessert at the Melting Pot at Christmas time every year. And every year, we’ve done it!! When we ask the kids what they are most excited about at Christmas time, they always without fail mention being excited for this night. We always hype it up like a super fancy restaurant and they have to be super big kids and act very polite and they LOVE it. It was finally Melting Pot night and we were all so excited!! We always try to get a picture by the beautiful tree in the entrance.

I had to include this one because this is Parker EVERY SINGLE TIME I TAKE A PICTURE. Parker is probably my most introverted child so not a lot of people see this side of him, but he is a goofball. Ha!

In front of the giant tree at Uptown! We always walk over to see the huge tree after the Melting Pot, but it was SO cold this year, that I could only stand it for about ten minutes. 😉
I love our Christmas traditions!!!