Eisley basically sat right there the entire day, waiting for Daddy to get home. Someone loves her daddy.
“Mommy, painted nails.” Yes, yes you did. This is the day we learned that dry erase markers do not come off of toddler skin with soap and water.
I said, “Where are you going, Eisley?” and she cheerfully said, “Going to Hobby Lobby! Bye!” I am raising this one right. 😉
Nathan asked if he could play basketball this year and from the first minute of the first practice, we knew he would love it. And he has. He’s really pretty good at it too! He is outside playing basketball every single day every chance he gets. He’s totally a basketball kid.
So, we’ve spent a lot of time like this – entertaining two small kids at games and practices, if Jon is working and can’t get off for practice (which hasn’t been too often, thankfully!). Eisley is smack in the middle of hero worship when it comes to Parker. Anything he does is the coolest thing ever and worthy of repetition. ANYTHING. Which has led to both of them being in trouble many times. 😉
Nathan had a basketball game this morning, Parker was all scheduled to do the Grand Prix at Awana, so we divided and conquered and I got a little date morning with my boy while Jon took Eisley to Nathan’s game. We checked in Parker’s car, got donuts and watched some of the races, did a little bit of shopping for jeans for these kids who won’t stop growing, then ran to catch Nathan’s game and make it back in time for Parker’s race. It was a good, insanely busy day.
Parker and his buddy watching their cars race. This picture cracks me up, even though it’s not the most in-focus. And now you can see why we needed to make a stop for jeans. 😉
And because we hadn’t already crammed enough into one day, we decided to cash in Jon’s birthday dinner at Tucanos that night! We were looking at the calendar and there just wasn’t going to be another good night to do it, so this one won out. Happy very early birthday, Jon! 😉