Jet lag is no joke

All my life, I’ve heard people talking about jet lag and how hard it was and honestly, I probably didn’t have the sympathy that I should have had for them. Because jet lag is awful. And now I know. It was a good ten days before I really felt back to normal.

Nama came back to Albuquerque with us! A few days after we got back was Mom’s birthday and Nama’s is the next day, so we did a little birthday dinner for the two of them.

Sweet little pumpkin. She had a couple of days of being a little big grouchier than normal, but then she was back to my smiling, fiesty girl. She did so well!

Kaitlin came back to Albuquerque too – though for very sad reasons. Her brother passed away right before London, so Kaitlin and Asaf came for the funeral and then stayed for a little while. So thankful that in the midst of the sadness, we still got lots of visiting time, because London was SO jam-packed that I felt like we hardly got to talk. And Asaf is right smack in the middle of the boys, so they had the best time playing together!

“Helping” me make cookies. I always want to be that cool mom on Instagram whose kids help her in the kitchen, but people – I can’t do it. I can stand it for about two minutes and then there’s flour everywhere and extra ingredients are being added and I start hyperventilating. One kid can help me and it’s a really sweet time together and I love it. Three kids start helping and it’s like trying to cook with a bunch of squirrels running loose in the kitchen. 😉

Eisley woke up sick the next day, coughing, super congested and running a fever. Jon called to tell me he was on his way home from work and she took the phone and said, “Hi Daddy. I sick. Need donuts.” So guess what Jon showed up with a few minutes later. 😉

The boys. Sometimes, they make each other (and me in the process) absolutely nuts and then sometimes, they are so genuinely kind and sweet to each other that it just melts my heart. Even with all their squabbles, they truly adore each other and I love seeing the bond between them.

Now that we’re all recovered from jet lag, it’s time to fit all the fall fun into the last week of October. Ha!