Well, after the panic and second-guessing and breathing-into-paper-sacks that was our first week of school, I’m excited to report that things are going much smoother. I’ve at least been able to put away the paper sacks. 😉 I’m even getting excited about the rest of the year!

Our sprinkler system hasn’t worked since we first moved in, so anything green outside is either because of the rain or the hose. 😉 Jon fiddled around with a bunch of stuff and got the sprinklers on briefly and the boys went NUTS. Screaming, running, laughing…it was really cute. Eisley was screaming too – but not out of joy. She immediately ran to the patio and that was it.

Little Miss looked extra adorable on our way to church the other day. THOSE BOOTS. THOSE CHEEKS. #amiright

Nathan is learning about Venus right now in science and we got to do a little experiment about volcanoes and how volcanic rock hardens. The boys were SO into it. It was really fun! I’m learning a ton as I teach it, so it’s been really interesting for me as well!

Someone has been waiting for this day since Awana ended last spring and it FINALLY came! Parker is officially a Cubbie! He was SO excited. It was so cute. He gave me an extra big hug as he left and then did not stop talking the entire drive home about all the fun things they did.
And just because I apparently like to make myself cry:

Both of my boys on their first day at Cubbies. Nathan was 3 here too – look at how big Parker is and look at how tiny Nathan is!
Excuse me while I go weep in the corner.

Jon had to work that night so it was me and the Little Miss at Trader Joes. Where she spent most of the time singing, “No, no, no” in the cart and then hamming it up for the cashier so she ended up with 12,000 stickers to then adhere all over herself and the car. The cashier asked her name and she just smiled at him, so when we got outside, I asked her name and she gave me this duh look and said, “Moana.” I said, “No, it’s Eisley,” and she cheerfully said, “No! Moana.” Pray for me.

Bless her heart, she just has no personality. 😉 This is what I get within seconds of asking her to say cheese. 😉

We looked outside after dinner and a rainstorm the other night and there was a full double rainbow! The kids (and Jon) all went a little (lot) bit crazy about it. Ha!

Sitting on biggest brother’s step stool, wearing middle brother’s jammies and drinking her mother’s coffee. Isn’t the sign of the youngest that they think everything is theirs? 😉

Jon had to work all weekend and a lot of nights the whole week before, so when he got home late Sunday afternoon, I decided that we needed to end the weekend with something fun and so we ate a quick dinner and then took the kids to get frozen yogurt. They had the best time.

Three busy little beavers. These are the best kind of school mornings!

He was so proud of how well he traced his numbers!

Sometimes Eisley morphs into this tiny, old woman and just wants to walk around the house with her blanket wrapped around her the whole day and it just makes me laugh. I need to get her some curlers and slippers to go with it. 😉