Three boys watching their dads play softball. Love this – it had poured rain right before the game, so everything was soaking wet and these giant ants were EVERYWHERE. It was yucky. Thankfully, we had a towel in the car. 😉
Nathan and Eisley had well-child checks one morning, so Jon took the morning off of real estate work and took Parker out for donuts and hot chocolate. Based on the gigantic smile that never left his face the rest of the day and how he talked about it the whole rest of the day and next day, I think he had the time of his life. So precious!
Little sleeping beauty girl. Love how she snuggles up with her Bunny every night. And every day. She’s rarely without her. 😉
These two cousins are in that stage where they are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies. 😉 Ha! They are so cute together though!! Also, ice cream on the porch should be a requirement for summer evenings.
Joel and Nathan’s birthdays are within four days of each other, so we’ve done several joint birthday things over the years. This year, we did a low-key family dinner with the old Lunch Bunch crew who still live in Albuquerque and it was SO much fun. The kids played in the rain outside, the adults all laughed so hard most of us were crying, we stuffed ourselves with pizza and ice cream and it was just the sweetest time with dear, dear friends who have known us for what seems like forever.
When I was pregnant with Eisley, we had this hope that maybe, just MAYBE, this one would be a little less nuts than her brothers. Maybe, we were going to have a calm, chill baby this time. Well, that is definitely NOT the case. 😉 She is crazy like the boys and loves nothing more than to entertain us every night at the dinner table. And I love her with all my heart and wouldn’t change one single spaghetti-covered curly hair on her head. 😉
Off to go soak up the last of the summer!