First Day of School 2017

And, all of a sudden, summer was over.

SO crazy since I feel like we spent most of our spring looking forward to summer! πŸ˜‰ It came and went in a hurry (like it always does).

Something we learned this year: First Day of School when homeschooling looks a little bit different than a normal first day of school. πŸ˜‰ Ha! Since Jon is a teacher, we are basically following his school schedule, so the first day the kids were in class was the first day we were in class.

I built it up all weekend, Monday morning came, we got up, ate breakfast, got dressed and marched outside because goodness knows we are still going to take decent pictures every year. πŸ˜‰

FIRST GRADE. How? When? Why? He’s too big now.

Someone was really excited that he got to hold a sign too. πŸ˜‰

Three little crazies. And I love them so.

So, then we walked back inside and started school. Ha! It was a little bit of a wait a second moment and honestly, I spent a good part of the first day (read: week) panicking that we’d made a horrible mistake and we were going to ruin our children forever, but after the panic subsided, I remembered why we decided to homeschool this year. And it really has been fun. πŸ™‚

Here’s to a great school year!