Happy 7th Birthday, Nathan!

Sweet boy,

Oh, my goodness, I have NO idea how I am already writing this! You were JUST born – how are you possibly turning seven?

You are such a fun kid! You are still crazy energetic and most of the time, super happy and outgoing. You love meeting new people, you love trying new things, you love anything and everything that makes you feel even bigger.

You completely excelled in school this year! You made some great friends and as weird as it was for you to have friends that I knew nothing about, it was really neat to hear your stories about your day at the end of the school day. πŸ™‚ You still LOVE to talk and love to entertain and love to be the class clown.

This year was such a big year for you! We moved into a new house, you went to school for the first time, you lost your first tooth… all these huge, big kid things which just completely solidifies that you are officially a Big Kid. Dad and I are SO proud of you and of the boy you are becoming!! You are such a fantastic big brother and such a good friend. I envy your ability to walk up to anyone and immediately start up a conversation. πŸ˜‰

You asked Jesus into your heart this year! I struggle to find the words to say, but oh sweet boy, it was an answer to many, many, many prayers since before you were even born! Oh how I pray you will continue to walk with Him for the rest of your life!

Your imagination is still absolutely amazing to us – you are SO creative. You can spend hours making all these towns and scenarios with your Legos or action figures and it’s just fantastic. Parker LOVES to play in all these things with you! You are really good with him too, for the most part. πŸ˜‰ I love watching the worlds you guys create outside!

You are a joy to us and to so many others! I cannot believe you are so big – I know I will blink and another seven years will have passed us by. Please slow down!!

Happy birthday, buddy! I love you so much!

