Oh my goodness, last week was SO much fun!!
My sister, Cayce, moved to New York last October for work. It was SO sad. I’m so excited for her and I love that she’s living in a city she’s always wanted to, but I hate her being so far away! My mom was planning on going out to see her on March 10th and like six days before that, she called and said she had extra points and asked if Eisley and I wanted to go with her and surprise Cayce.
Cue the panic.
Ha! I talked to Jon, Dad offered to take the boys on Friday, my dear friend Eryn said she could watch Parker on Monday while Nathan was at school and all of a sudden, we were packing and getting ready to leave! I told Jon I was so thankful that we had basically NO time to think before this trip, because too much longer and I would have talked myself out of it completely since this was the longest I’d ever left the boys. But they did FANTASTIC and everyone had a great time!

Our travel did not go as planned – thanks to some pretty massive New England storms, we ended up having to switch flights in Chicago and fly into Newark instead, then we took a train to NYC and then took a subway to the hotel. I think we basically hit every form of transportation on Friday.
But the surprise was so worth it!! It was FREEZING COLD in NYC. I have not been this cold in I don’t even remember how long but it was so so cold!

We went to this awesome Italian restaurant the first night. So, side note, after being there for the weekend, I am convinced that Eisley was possibly the only baby in Manhattan. People just fawned over her the entire weekend. And she totally ate it up. This place was so cute – the waiter and the busboy just could not stop talking to her, the chef came out and declared her to be the most beautiful baby he’d ever seen and brought her out homemade Italian gelato with strawberries before dinner even came, they had live music and the singer dedicated a song to her… it was just ridiculous.
Meanwhile, Eisley was just totally milking it and smiling and waving and clapping after every song and dancing to the music. The busboy kissed her hand as she left and the chef gave her his business card on our way out. So funny.

Cayce had to work the next morning, so Gammy, Eisley and I took our time getting ready, went to Starbucks for breakfast and then took the subway down to the Financial District where Cayce works so we could meet her for lunch. We walked around a little bit first and saw a few different fun places from some of our favorite TV shows. So fun to see in person!

It’s so tiring to perform the whole day.
She slept the whole way on the subways back up to the hotel.

Little Miss at the Disney Store in Times Square. We probably spent almost two hours here and she just went from princess to princess to Minnie and then latched on to this suitcase and dragged it around the entire store. Ha! It was a really cute store and made us so nostalgic for Disney. 

Snuggling with Auntie Cayce before bed.
Love this!!

The next morning, we were up and ready to go by 10. Ha! Such a nice, slow morning! Eisley was not super excited to get back in the Ergo but she was still so happy to have us all to herself.

Trump Tower!

Me and my best girl. <3

We had lunch at The Plaza and Eisley and I split a dark chocolate crepe from the crepe store there. Oh my goodness. SO messy and SO worth it!

I mean, we had to get a picture of Eisley by the Eloise sign, since she’s named after an Eloise. 

And we had to check out the American Girl store with our hat-haired baby girl.
She LOVED the Bitty Baby floor and just yelled, “BABY” and pushed the strollers around the entire time. Since we never are in NYC, we had to splurge just a bit and Eisley got her very own Bitty Baby, even though she might be a bit young for her now. But, I figure we likely won’t be back before she’s a year or two older and it’s such a fun souvenir from such a fun girls’ trip!

On the escalator at the Disney store! I thought it was so fun that it was modeled after the scene in Tangled!! Gammy was so sweet and bought Eisley the suitcase that she fell in love with – so fun. She loves her “backpack”. 

After I’d given her the baby – such a sweet little love.

Thanks to the blizzard, we ended up having to switch our flights to leave a day early and we didn’t get home until after midnight on Monday. Eisley slept the entire second flight from Houston but was up the entire first flight, so it made for a LONG day for me and Gammy. But I’m so thankful that we got to go! Thank you, Gammy, for such a FUN, wonderful girls’ trip!!! And HUGE thanks to Jon, Dad and Eryn for taking care of things back home – the boys had the best time too!!