So stinking cute. I hope they always think it’s a super cool and awesome trick to run down a trampoline together holding hands and jump into a foam pit. 😉
On Saturday, I took Eisley to go visit Shannon and baby James and came home to find the boys on their bikes out in the cul-de-sac with Jon. Nathan was too busy riding to take a picture but I convinced Parker to pause for a second. 😉
Little cutie head. 🙂
Sunday, Eisley was not having it when I tried to drop her off in the nursery (and Mom is a bleeding heart when it comes to the baby. Always. I am the worst at leaving my kids in the nursery) and she was not having it in the service, so it was the foyer for me and the teething grouch. 😉
Sassy pants. She has gotten feisty, especially when she’s cutting a tooth.
Such the proud little walker now. She was everywhere. A really sweet older couple were sitting out in the foyer too and they kept watch me chase her around and laughing and at the end of the service, the man came up to me and told me their youngest was nineteen and I needed to just soak in every second because it seems like yesterday they were out in the foyer with her.
I think with Nathan, I would not have believed him. With Parker, I might have believed him a little more. But with Eisley, I cry every time she does something new because Nathan was just this little and I was just taking him out of the service. And now he’s in kindergarten. It really does go too fast. 🙁