I’m pretty sure this is Eisley’s most favorite spot in the house. Ha! She LOVES to play in the dishwasher. She loves to load it, she loves to unload it and if it’s cracked open at all, she wiggles those tiny little fingers in, yanks the lid down and goes to town.
I dropped Nathan at parent drop-off after yet another snow/sleet and he was getting his backpack on and had the audacity to look this old. I spent the whole day in mourning over how fast his childhood is passing. And as soon as I picked him up from school, I threatened him with swaddling every night again unless he slowed down. 😉
Completely unplanned, we ran into Gammy at our grocery store one day after school. Ha! The kids were ecstatic. 😉
I forgot to include this picture about our Valentine’s Day! Aunt Nicole invited us over and we spent the morning making so many fun crafts. Such a sweet thing for her to do. Then she made us heart-shaped grilled cheese and little hand pies. The kids had so much fun!
Looking for Waldo together. These two are the BEST of friends and the WORST of enemies right now – they just fight like cats sometimes and I get so frustrated but then they have so many times of these sweet moments and it’s just so good for my heart. I tell them often that they are each other’s best friend. Parker has so much hero worship for anything Nathan does right now – for both good and bad. 😉 I pray for them to love each other and grow up to love each other more every day.
Three little weirdos at lunch. They were cracking themselves up about something. Love when they are all having the best time together!