Cold January days

Honestly, I’m not going to lie. Aside from my birthday, I really can’t stand the months of January and February. It’s usually very cold, so we don’t get to play outside very much, or when we do, everyone freezes and spends the rest of the day sniffling, which means we are all just cooped up inside. I hate having to bring coats and hats and everything with us anytime we need to go anywhere and the boys are both in this Allergic to Coats phase, so that just means we spend a good part of every day arguing about the level of warmth they need to have on in order to go outside, freeze and come back in sniffling.

And that’s not even touching on how expensive fruit is this time of year or any of the other stuff that comes with it. So, I usually spend January frustrated and googling things like “can people still get scurvy”.

A lot changes with kids. I used to love winter the most of all of the seasons. Now, once Christmas is over, I am just pretty much over it.

All of that to say, I am counting down the days until spring.

It thawed enough one day for the boys to color on the basketball pad in the backyard. Parker was SO proud of this. “I drawed me!” Notice the lack of a coat. Goodness.

He is growing up so fast. Nathan was at school this day and he decided he wanted to build the “TALLEST TOWER I EVER HAVE SEEN”. I think we accomplished it. 😉

This kid is so funny and so stinking old I can’t even stand it. He is seriously the BEST big brother ever. Eisley has him completely wrapped. He will drop anything to go make sure she’s okay. And Parker basically lives for the days when Nathan is home and wants to do everything EXACTLY like Nathan. If Nathan is having cherry yogurt, Parker has to have cherry yogurt. If Nathan is wearing a sweatshirt and not a coat, Parker is only going to wear a sweatshirt. If Nathan decided to high dive into the river, I know two kids who would be right behind him. It’s a lot of pressure to carry and this kid just excels at it.

The kids had Awana one night and we had a couple of meals on a calendar card, so we opted to go to CFA for dinner. Jon gave Eisley her first chicken nugget dipped in the classic sauce.

I’d say she was a fan. 😉

I went in the playroom (which also functions as the first room people see when they walk in our house) after breakfast and the boys were so excited to tell me that they helped me decorate. Ha! Jon and I laughed for a long time about the placement of those guys directly beneath the “My grace is sufficient” sign. Sort of a “just in case it isn’t, here’s the backup”. 😉