I’ve been getting up super, super early every morning so I can get at least a little bit of time with Jesus and a cup of coffee in before I need to start working. I work for a while and then the kids get up. On this day, I read my all time favorite Psalm (Psalm 121) like I do every year and it was just a sweet time.
We had my party with my family the weekend before and Mom decorated the party with pictures of me. We were all just amazed at this one – little Eisley is apparently a lot like her mama. 🙂
The day was totally one of those “another day in Paradise” days like the song goes. Lost credit card, teething baby, car issues, toddler tantrums… Birthdays are just a different animal when you’re a parent. But we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, the kids behaved very well and the day ended on a good note. 🙂
Our church started a new Women’s Bible Study this week and I have been building up “Bible Study School” to Parker for weeks. He was SO excited to start his own school, just like Nathan. He marched straight into his class and was so excited to tell me about everything when I picked him up. Eisley was a different story. She pretty much just screamed through the entire thing. Poor baby is in a very attached to mama stage.
The Wild Kratts were hard at work plotting out where they were going next. So cute. I love seeing their imaginations!
And then – such a happy day!! My precious friend Shannon’s baby boy was born! James is beautiful and perfect and I was just so overjoyed to hold him. There is just something so sweet about holding a lifelong friend’s baby.
Adorable little mister! Shannon is a ROCK STAR. She was induced thanks to some blood pressure issues and delivered this kid withOUT an epidural. I pretty much walked in to that hospital room bowing at the waist. 😉 So SO fun to see her and Eric become parents. Little James is so blessed to have them!