Parker has discovered how to open up the front facing camera on my phone. So, I regularly have about 93 pictures that just randomly show up just like this in my camera roll. Ha!
We started online guitar lessons with Nathan, so all day long, all I hear is him plucking away. He LIVES with this guitar on. It’s so cute.
Parker loves to talk all. the. time. but he ESPECIALLY loves to talk in the car. The whole time. It doesn’t matter if we are driving five minutes away or forty-five minutes away, he will talk the entire trip. I hear people talk about how when the kids are napping or away how they’ll turn on the TV or listen to music or something, but for me, I turn everything off and just listen to the quiet.
LOVE this. Shannon was asking me about jaundice and I sent her a picture of Parker sunbathing as a tiny newborn (side note: HOW was he EVER that SMALL??!) and she sent back one of little James! SO fun! Love having another mama friend to share life with! This stage of small kids is so worth it and wonderful but can also be so lonely and draining. It’s so important to have each other.
Told ya. Also, I did NOT give that child permission to look that old. He is killing me. I swear he is six going on fifteen.
Jon was holding an open house and the boys were doing rest time and Eisley woke up like less than an hour into her nap. So, I pulled her out of bed and we just napped on the couch together. Such a sweet time. I have to remind myself that it goes so quickly. She won’t be a baby for too much longer.
Aunt Nicole’s birthday is the week after mine and it’s just so much fun. Mom made homemade pasta and it was amazing! Love celebrating my sweet sister-in-law!
The next day, Nathan was the “Star of the Week” at school, something he had been DYING to be since August. Ha! He was SO excited to make his poster and do his presentation. He got to take in his favorite buddy MeMo (yes! He still sleeps with Mickey Mouse every night – it’s the only thing that reassures me that he’s not completely grown up yet) and he brought in owl-shaped marble squares for the class. He was so happy this day.
Baby girl loves herself some pizza! It is hands down her favorite meal. So funny!
We had a relatively warmer day and the boys spent about four hours out there building a “fort” out of some of the random sticks in our junk pile that we have piled up on the side of the yard. Somedays, I walk about there and just get tired looking at all the work we have to do. It’s good to see the yard through the boys’ perspective and realize that they love it just how it is.