Today you are one. ONE. I just cannot even believe it’s been an entire year and yet, in so many ways, it feels like you have been a part of our lives forever. I have trouble remembering what life was like without your sweet little self in it now!
You have completely changed us all, Little Miss. We were so entrenched in Boy World over here and then you came and completely rocked it. 😉 From the second you were born you have always been such a girl – I have never seen anyone who is so dainty and so tender and sweet and girly and yet at the same time, you can totally hold your own with your big brothers. You love bows and baby dolls and anything frilly or pink but you also love playing with the boys’ action figures and balls and cars.
I remember being up so many nights, feeling you kick and wiggle around inside me and wondering what you were going to be like, look like, act like. I worried about Nathan and Parker transitioning to another baby in the house and what our schedule would look like and how we would all adapt. And mostly, I wondered what it would be like to have a daughter. And oh, there are no words to tell you how wonderful it has been!
Eisley girl, you are just exactly the one we needed in our family. You are the perfect fit for us! The boys could not adore you more and I think anyone who is within a mile radius of me and your dad knows that we are completely taken with you. You are so beautiful and we love to tell you how pretty you are, but your sweet little heart is what shines out of you. You are so gentle and kind – I love seeing how worried you are when someone is hurt and how goofy you can be when you are trying to make us laugh and how you totally pick up on all kinds of social cues even at such a small age.
You love to be right smack in the middle of your brothers and snuggle me and Dad. You are the absolute happiest when you are surrounded by all of us! You are already saying so much and trying to do so much and it’s so cute to watch you try your hardest to keep up with the boys.
Eisley, you are loved. You are treasured. You are adored. You are the perfect Little Miss in this family and I just could not love you more. I love these years of sweet baby snuggles and tiny baby tutus and the future has me so excited too. I can’t believe how quickly you are growing and changing!
I love you so much, precious girl! Happy first birthday!