My Eisley girl is eleven months old and I just cannot even believe it!
She is so sweet and sassy. Her little personality is starting to shine through and we are just having so much fun (and navigating a few tantrums)! She’s a fiesty one, this little miss. She has ZERO problem expressing her displeasure of something or lecturing the boys when they are doing something she dislikes. She’ll sit there and wave her little hand at them and yell “NA NA NA”. Ha!
She loves to play, loves to be included in anything and everything, loves to be held and LOVES to talk and/or yell at the top of her lungs. We have given up on our hope of producing a quiet child. It’s just not in our DNA. 😉
She cruises along all the furniture and wants to hold your hands and walk all. day. long. She is silly, adorable, goofy and a tiny spitfire. I love my spirited girl!
I can’t believe the next monthly post will be her first birthday! She is growing so so so fast and it’s killing me. Oh that I could stop time!