This little miss is just getting more and more animated and it’s so fun to watching her personality start to come out! She was being so cute and funny playing with Pops at family dinner the other day. She was just trying to get him to laugh. 😉
And she’s officially outgrown the baby tub and is in the big girl bath! She was SO proud of herself! She loved playing around in there!
My dear, dear friend Kaitlin lives in Israel with her husband and precious son, Asaf, and they came to visit for a few weeks! They stayed with us for some of the time and we LOVED it. Parker and Asaf are like the best and worst of buddies. Ha!
Asaf is right smack in the middle of the two boys and it was so fun to watch the different dynamics over the week. We were so excited that they got to stay with us! One of the things we love best about our new house is that we have a little bit more room to host friends and family – we are so thankful for that!
Just a bunch of jammied blessings right there. Love those kids.
And this little squirt started pulling up in her bed! Bless her heart, she still doesn’t have her own room or her own real bed. 😉 I have to laugh when I think about the differences between the kids – with Nathan, we had his entire room – bedding, crib and all – done by the time I was about 24 weeks pregnant. With Parker, I was about 35 weeks pregnant before it was done. With Eisley, she’ll be about nine months old. Ha! Poor neglected third kid. We have Nonnie and Papa O coming soon, so they’ll stay in what will be her room. And then we need to get Parker transitioned to a big boy bed. And THEN she will have her own room and her own crib. 😉 Soon!