State Fair Day 2016

It has been so beautiful outside lately! So we packed up one Friday, took Uncle Bryant, Aunt Nicole, Gabriel and Pops with us and headed to the State Fair.

We picked this day because it was Firefighter Day! Nathan LOVES firefighters – always has. He has told us since he was super tiny that he wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up. 🙂

We probably spent a good hour, possibly two, looking at all the trucks and trying on all the equipment and asking every firefighter who would listen every question we’d ever had. 😉 Parker was pretty much done with firefighters for the rest of his life by this point. So was Gabriel. Bless their hearts.

And still we talked and tried them all out. 😉 At one point, I looked down to do something with Parker, looked up, couldn’t find Nathan and found him back talking to the firefighters again. Ha!

Nathan also got picked to hold the flag in the pig race, so basically, this was the BEST DAY EVER.

“Hey wook, Mom! Wook at dat horse over dere!” Parker did NOT like the characters walking around at first but warmed up pretty quickly. So cute. Meanwhile, Eisley was very content to be in the Ergo carrier the whole day. She would be very content to live in the Ergo carrier all day every day. She LOVES to be worn!

Such a lovely day at the fair!!