Attacking fall

Things are finally starting to get in a little routine around here. 🙂 Love when we hit this part of fall and everything clicks together!!

Monday and Wednesday, Nathan is at school and then Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, we have homeschool days. I really am loving the “university model” concept. He is just excelling and it’s so fun to watch!

On this Monday, it was Krispy Kreme’s Pirate Day, so Parker, Eisley and I went and picked up donuts for Miss Eryn’s house. 😉 He was SO excited and got dressed up and was completely ready with his “ARG MATEY”….until we walked into the store. Then, he didn’t want to do anything except yell “NO” and hide behind my legs. Y’all, it is TOTALLY different parenting my introverted Parker than it is parenting my very extroverted Nathan. 😉 I finally got him to at least smile for the Pirate filter and we still got our free dozen.

He was much more willing to dress up when Nathan got home from school and Nathan was SO excited to go. 😉 Notice they came home with THREE boxes. It will be a long time before I want donuts again!

I walked in on Saturday morning and found them like this. Ha! I love how they have to dress up in their creature power suits to watch the Wild Kratts. 😉

Here she comes!! Baby girl is crawling all over the entire house and it’s KILLING me how fast she’s growing up. I feel like each child’s babyhood has gone faster and faster – time needs to slow down and NOW.