I think we seriously ate at In-N-Out about 14 times during this trip. There isn’t one in Albuquerque and we weren’t sure when we would be back to California, so best to soak it all up (meaning the grease), while we could! 😉
Look who we found on our way back home!! Yay! We were SO excited to see Uncle Caleb, Aunt Nicole and Aunt Cayce after sitting in L.A. traffic for about six years! 😉 Parker had reached Blur Status and not just in pictures at this point – after finally feeling better and finally getting out of the car, he basically ran from one side of their living room, bounced off the kitchen counter and ran back over to the living room for about an hour alongside Caleb and Nicole’s golden retriever, Maverick (wish I was joking). Just proved my point that Jon could have avoided a lot of grief and just brought a golden puppy with him to California and introduced the puppy as Parker for the family reunion. 😉
Okay, guys. Eisley LOVES Hudson. Like, she thinks he is the coolest, most amazing thing EVER on the planet. And Hudson is all, “Eh. Hey Eisley. If I have to acknowledge you at all.” Ha! It will be so fun to watch all the cousin dynamics as these guys grow up. Hudson is a cutie head and I adore him!
All the baby-swapping, all the time. We had the BEST (very short) time with our sweet family. We loved seeing their beautiful home and the fun life they lead there. And I’m pretty sure Parker terrified poor Hudson with his blurry-ness. Sorry about that, bud. You have to watch out for those middle children. 😉
Aunt Nicole sent us out the next day with a whole grocery sack of snacks for us to eat on our looooong drive home. Those incredible cookies? Didn’t make it out of the front seat. 😉 Sorry, kids.
Such a fun way to end our California Adventure!!