Disney World! Day 4

Our fourth day at Disney World, we were back at Magic Kingdom to start the day! The boys found the Sword in the Stone and Parker was SO disappointed that they didn’t actually get it out. 😉

Carousel time! Side note: I really cannot stand carousels. Something about the going around in circles while watching the animals move up and down makes me so dizzy. But this kid asked me to go with him and so how could I refuse? I hope you noticed the Jedi Badge on his shirt because he begged to wear it again and I’m pretty sure he showed it to every person we passed. So five hundred thousand people have seen this badge. 😉

Pops and Parker. Parker was very tired by this point in the trip and he had his favorite person of the minute and that would be the ONLY person who would be able to stand next to him without a huge conflict of interest.

Gammy and Eisley. She had to wear her Minnie Bowtique outfit today. 😉

Nathan in Small World: “Mom, we should take a selfie.”

No idea why my kid knows this word (or why he looks 17), but I feel like it should be stricken from the English language. I took one with him anyway. 😉

Coming off the one roller coaster he could ride. So cute. 😉 I think we rode Barnstormer approximately 38 times while Nathan took turns going with people to the “big kid” rides.

In line for… you guessed it… Barnstormer! 😉

We branched out and tried Dumbo but the new play area you wait in is way more fun than the ride, so Parker was kind of bummed it was our turn.

We left the babies with Uncle Bryant and Aunt Nicole and rode the new Dwarf Mine Ride. It was so cute!

Her cheeks. I about die. We found a shady spot to take naps and she was out like a light. Parker took a little longer to settle down but then he slept forever.

Gammy was Parker’s person on the way over to Hollywood Studios. 😉

When you are in Disney World and you are five and a half and about to turn two, you don’t worry about ruining dinner and you just eat the Mickey shaped ice cream. 😉

Cuties. 😉

We had just enough time before Fantasmic to go get Nathan’s one souvenir he got to pick out and shockingly, he picked a Luke Skywalker light saber. It was actually really cute – you got to build the whole thing and it even makes the sound effects when it collides with something or flies through the air. It’s his most treasured belonging.

Fantasmic!!! The kids loved it, but they both got a little nervous through the “bad guy” part of it.

We raced home with all the crowds back to our hotel and the kids were out the second their heads hit the pillows – another day in the books!!

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