Just before New Years, we had a HUGE snowstorm that dumped the best packing snow ever in our yard. Nathan was so excited!! Parker was a little more okay with the snow, but it’s still not his favorite. 😉 They built a snowman, named him Frosty and checked on him every single day of his two-plus week existence in our backyard until the day Parker came in and told me “Fwosty died.” Ha!
This is what I did while they played in the snow. I think I got the better deal. 😉
Baby sister is one week old! Fastest, busiest, craziest week of my whole life.
Snuggles with Daddy on his time off. Love this.
Milk coma faces are always the very best!!
This kid adores his little sister with every fiber of his being.
Just for the fun of it, I did a little app that lists the “Best Nine of 2015”, or the most liked instagram posts I did for the entire year of 2015. I think it’s safe to say that pink kind of took over a little bit. 😉
We spent New Years Eve at home in our jammies – first one we haven’t been with family in as long as I can remember! But it was so nice to just be home after the insanity that was our Christmas week! We watched a Netflix countdown for the boys and then sent them off to bed.
Happy New Years, baby girl.
The boys were completely, 100 percent into the parade the next morning. I think Parker watched every second of it! And every time it went to a commercial, he started panicking and trying to find the “mote” so we could change it back to the parade. Ha! They had to reenact the parade right away and thought every single band looked like a bunch of Nutcrackers. 😉 At one point, there was a Disneyland float and you would have thought they were looking at a picture of heaven by how they both stared at the screen. 😉
Wide awake baby girl!! Eisley is such a good sleeper and spends most of her days asleep, but she has stretches of awake time that are just so precious!
Drunk little smiles. Love how she squishes up into her pre-birth positions still!
With all the busyness right after she was born, I know I overdid it several times. The week after she was born, I was in so much pain again, I couldn’t get out of bed by myself. I came out of the room and found this note from Nathan on the counter. It says, “Mom, I am sorry”. I just burst into tears. Such a sweet heart, my biggest boy has.
This little love is worth every second of pain, though!! Precious girl!