Week of Waiting – Giveaway Number Two!!

Yay!! I’ve announced the winner on the Rafflecopter widget for the last contest and emailed her! πŸ™‚ Thank you all for playing in this little giveaway!

Today, in honor of Katie’s release at the end of this week, we are going to be giving away something that a LOT of you mentioned when I asked what you guys liked to do while you were waiting:

A movie!! Specifically, a chick-flick, because really, are there any other kinds of movies? πŸ˜‰

Enter to win your choice of While You Were Sleeping or Pride and Prejudice (two of my all time favorites!!) below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Only five more days until Katie in Waiting is here!!

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34 thoughts on “Week of Waiting – Giveaway Number Two!!

  1. One way I have courage during a long wait is by trusting in God. That might seem simplistic, but really, without fully trusting in Him, I tend to end up a quivering pile of worry and fear. πŸ™‚

  2. While waiting on God, I try to know that He is in control and just love life normally. I like to read, watch movies, go to church, get encouragement from friends.

  3. One thing I've learned to do is to hold onto God's promises. I look back at what I know of His character and who He is and what He has done in my life and others. It helps to put everything back into perspective.

  4. Just trusting God and remembering His faithfulness and goodness to me in the past helps me while I'm waiting for him to do something in the future. It helps to remind me that God always has the perfect timing!

  5. Courage is the hardest thing to have when waiting. We often think courage is a lack of fear, but it is looking past fear and standing strong still. We cannot have courage on our own, but we have to rely on the Lord to keep us sane during these times! Lots of prayer, lots of time in Philippians.

  6. I think a good way to rebuild your courage is to rebuild your joy. And nothing brings you joy like focusing on others.
    So in a sort of odd way, if you live for others, you will find your strength slowly returning & that turns into courage.
    Usually I try to do something small, like writing a letter or email, putting together a photo collage, sending a surprise gift, etc.

  7. I absolutely adore both of these films, especially Pride and Prejudice. Since I don't own either of them it would be fantastic to win one. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors.

    Oh, I'm in a waiting state right now. I take courage by reading scriptures; reminding myself of how God has helped me in the past; remembering that God wants the very best for us even if we don't see the future.

  8. I started reading through the Psalms this summer. The day I found out my dad had cancer the Psalm of the day happened to be Psalm 27.
    It told me I shouldn't fear for the Lord is my stronghold. The 2 months following this were some of my worst. On Wednesday it will be a month since my father passed. The only things that have brought me this far is the prayers of others lifting me up and these words:
    "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

  9. When I'm waiting in line for something (this is probably taking the question too literally, haha), I tend to read or talk to people to pass the time. It builds relationships and my intellect πŸ™‚ But having the courage to wait for something means, for me, to look to what will come out of the journey. Setting my eyes on the prize tends to help me keep plugging on.

  10. I love both movies! I only recently watched P&P while stitching – the best. I love all your movie references you throw in with your characters. I'm trying to get a better collection and have recruited hubs to help me collect on birthdays and other occasions πŸ™‚

    I'm curious to get to know Katie!
    I'm wondering if we're maybe waiting for the same thing? At the moment waiting to start school in January and move away from my now-home. Anxious waiting! What's awaiting hubs and me? If only I knew. Guess it's time for another movie and some God-time. πŸ˜‰

  11. You can pray and you can think about what God has given you. You can journal about it, or you can pray about whatever it is you need courage for.

  12. learning from patience from the waiting. Growth in your faith and growth in general. Learning from the experience. Learning to trust the Lord in all aspects of your life.

  13. I think courage comes from reflecting on ways God has already provided for us. Spending time in prayer and with strong friends who encourage and support us also help. Great question!

  14. I rely on God and realize that if he has me waiting than its for my best. I use that to make the most of where I'm at- to encourage love and learn instead of waiting for my life to start

  15. I make a list of all the things that I am thankful for! I have been waiting for God to cure me from Lymes Disease for almost 6 years and I am always amazed by the "new" things that I can add to my list!

  16. Just keep remembering God's timing is best. I've lived with my in laws for 2 years now and am sooooooooooo ready to move. But I am trying hard to be patient and wait!

  17. I think finding some hobbies that I really enjoy has helped me to be patient when waiting to see what God has in store for me. I can be doing something I love while honoring Him which makes me love doing it even more.

  18. One of the things that helps me is just surrendering my worries completely to God and trusting in him. I love just listening to some of my fav worship artists and just having a relaxing hangout with him haha. Also, reading my Bible and getting to know him better πŸ™‚

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