Tomorrow, tomorrow!!

Katie in Waiting releases TOMORROW!! πŸ™‚

I just cannot wait! And a big thank you to everyone who has participated in the Week of Waiting contests – I have had so much fun and been so encouraged reading your answers to the questions! You guys are amazing.

Today, we have our very last contest! The book releases tomorrow, but I’ll leave the contest up until Monday! Today, I am giving away…

Yep! An autographed copy of Katie in Waiting!! Yay! To enter, use the Rafflecopter below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So excited for you to meet Katie and her friends!! πŸ™‚Β 

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44 thoughts on “Tomorrow, tomorrow!!

  1. I do think that I am in a season of waiting, I am waiting for my life to, well work out. Others have encouraged me by giving me advice and guiding me especially with my walk with God.

  2. Oh yes. Waiting is the theme of my life lately. πŸ˜›
    I've been encouraged by close friends and family who remind me of God's goodness and His faithfulness to make everything beautiful in HIS time.
    One friend especially has encouraged me by sharing some of his past experiences of waiting–and how God helped him through it. πŸ™‚

  3. Lately I've been feeling like I'm waiting to see what God has for me… It's not exactly clear right now, but I know that whatever it is, it will surpass what I can imagine! It's exciting but also almost scary at the same time…;)

  4. I am definitely waiting. Sometimes I don't know if I should give up. But my church family is my lifeline and keeps me seeking Him.

  5. I am waiting for a husband and a family. My best friend is always there to remind me that God knows the desires of my heart, and He has a reason for working everything out when the time is right.

  6. Waiting. I am always encouraged when people remind me of God's promises and how He will continue to be faithful and His plan is immeasurably more than anything I could ever imagine.

  7. I am in a period of waiting. I am waiting to find out where I will be in the next few years, I am waiting to find my passions, and I am waiting to reunite with those I love.

  8. I'm waiting (and praying) for a friendship to be restored to what it used to be…it is sad to feel rejection but though (wo)man may fail me, I know my Heavenly Father is always faithful and He is always there for me!

  9. I am in a season of waiting and waiting and waiting, and I am trying to learn how now to wait, but to live in each moment that the Lord gives. I am encouraged by friendship and family that listens to my wonderings about what is to come.

  10. I am in a season of waiting and waiting and waiting, and I am trying to learn how now to wait, but to live in each moment that the Lord gives. I am encouraged by friendship and family that listens to my wonderings about what is to come.

  11. I'm definitely in a season of waiting, it's so nice to know and trust that the Lord holds my future in my hands, and He is the one who orders my steps. Such an encouragement to me!
    So excited to read this book!! πŸ™‚

  12. Loved the book but when I finished I was very unhappy. Yes, important lessons learned, but no resolution! ! The next book is about Eliza? You're not done with Katie. Sorry but I was enjoying it so much and then came to the cliff. Mary

    1. Hi Mary! I'm so glad you enjoyed most of the book – so very sorry you were unhappy with the ending!! Katie's story will continue through the next two books in the series – it doesn't end here. πŸ™‚

    2. I was enjoying it. I appreciate the Christian content, and love your sense of humour. Its cold and dreary here in Colorado today and I was all set for a cozy ending. I know your busy with your family but hope next installment isn't too far off. Mary

  13. Waiting…. I try to remind myself that God has a plan for me and my life will turn out all right if I let Him lead.
    Anna R

  14. You know…I really don't think I'm in a season of waiting right now. It's more like a season of work, work, work. πŸ™‚ However, while in this time in my life, my family encourages me and reminds me that I can do it, I can get through!

  15. I wouldn't say I am currently in a season of waiting, but I would say that I just got out of one. I was between jobs and was waiting for God's timing for the job he had chosen for me. It was a very stressful time, but friends and family encouraged me with Bible verses, prayers, cards/letters/texts of encouragement, and reminding me that God always has a plan. I was and continue to be so thankful for Christian friends and family who walk through the good times and the tough times with me!

  16. A friendly call to check on me and tell me that I can do it. Just the simple act of a phone call to know that they are thinking of you and encouraging you is the best!

  17. Haha yes. The single one as all my friends pair off. But I'm definitely encouraged by them and others to live my life & follow my dreams πŸ™‚

  18. Definitely in a season of waiting..I'm a senior this year and I'm trying to figure out what I should do after graduation, and it's hard to wait on the Lord to help me figure it out…especially when I want to know right now.

  19. Absolutely in a season of waiting! For this semester to end, for vacation, for the new year… Encouragement and support usually comes from family but also myself! No one is going to push me to get through school as much as I am! πŸ™‚

  20. Definitely in a season of waiting! Just using my time to pursue God and my passions and surround myself with people who build me up and encourage me through their friendship

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