I walked in Parker’s room one day after doing a few things around the house and found the boys like this. They’d moved all the toys out from the corner by his crib. So cute. They stayed there reading together for a long time!!
Aunt Cayce gave the boys some pumpkin decorating kits and they LOVED them – they had the best time and they were so proud of their pumpkin heads! It was such a fun way to spruce up the pumpkins before we carved them on Halloween. 😉
And speaking of Cayce, we met her and Gammy and Pops for a birthday lunch one day. We asked her to pick anywhere she wanted to go and she picked Chick-fil-a. The boys were in heaven. She’s a great auntie. 😉 Love my sister so much!!
I’ve been terrible at getting pictures when we are all together, but we have loved that we’ve gotten to hang out with Bryant, Nicole and little Gabriel a lot lately!! I mean, seriously. He’s just the cutest little man!!
Halloween morning and the boys were all up early and ready to start carving their pumpkins. Nathan wanted Batman and Parker wanted (what else??) Mickey Mouse. 😉 So, they helped scoop out the pumpkin guts and Jon did the carving.
I’d say he was a little excited about it. 😉
So was this one. 🙂
These two just keep Jon and I laughing. 🙂
A church in town does a trunk or treat carnival, so the kids got on their Halloween costumes and we headed over there. It took Parker about .06 seconds to discover that when he said “trick or treat” or played a game, he got candy. And Nathan, I mean Iron Man, was totally in his element – he loved it!
Aunt Cayce, Uncle Bryant, Aunt Nicole and Gabriel joined us!! We loved having them all there!
Gabriel was just the cutest little Pooh bear!! Parker was SO excited when he saw Gabriel’s costume!
Us. Jon and I actually semi-dressed this year, so it was an event to remember. 😉 Such a wonderful night!