Baby sister was kicking big time after dinner one night so the boys both had to run over and try to feel her moving. So sweet – they both just talked to her and kissed my stomach and then she kicked Nathan’s hand pretty hard and it made his whole night. 🙂
This little stinker is almost 20 months (HOW?!) and he’s just a total mess. He’s so ridiculously cute and is so loud and obnoxious. He never stops talking and I just love it.
I went into check on the boys like I do every night before I go to bed and Nathan looked so old to me! He’s growing up way too fast. He started reading over these last two weeks and he’s doing an amazing job! The author in me loves seeing him getting excited over reading. 🙂
These two came in while I was working the other day dressed like this. Seriously – they just make me laugh.
Parker and I had a Mom/Son day on Saturday while Jon took Nathan to the Lobo game. So, we made a quick Target run and had to get this little Mickey Mouse juice bottle. 😉 We had such a fun day – I rarely ever get time with just Parker and so we made it special. 🙂
He’s quite the mischievous one. They were watching a show the other day while they were eating their snacks. I looked over and every time Nathan would get too into the show, Parker would slowly reach over and steal one of Nathan’s cheddar bunnies out of his bowl. Ha! He’s a stinker!
We had an insane weekend!! So last night, we skipped Bible study. We had a family game night and then ate homemade apple pie and ice cream. It was such a big hit that the kids are requesting we do it again tonight. 😉
And folks, I AM ALL CAUGHT UP ON THIS BLOG!!! 🙂 Hear the cheers?? 😉
TEN days until Katie in Waiting releases!!! Stay tuned tomorrow because I have FUN news and quite possibly, a contest!!!
Hard to believe that it's November already. All of the pictures are so sweet! Excited to read Katie in Waiting! : )