First Day of School 2015

 Such a fun first day of school!
Monday night, we put a very excited Nathan in bed after he’d laid out his school clothes and gotten all of the things he needed in his backpack. He looked up at us and said, “Mom, how do you sleep?” I said, “On my side, usually. Why?” He said, “Because I start school tomorrow, so I’m a big kid now. I have to start sleeping like a big person too.” Cue the tears. I cried Monday night but held it together for my sweet boy on the big day! I just can’t believe he’s already starting school!

I got up early Tuesday morning to make a good breakfast for Nathan that we could eat with Jon before he left for work. When I went in to get Nathan out of bed, he was wearing his school clothes instead of his pajamas. 😉 ha! He was SO excited!!

We had a Happy First Day of School breakfast of blueberry muffins, bacon and eggs. A feast considering the typical breakfasts around here. 😉

Parker woke up with CRAZY hair but we had to take a picture of the brothers on the first day of school anyway. 🙂 It doesn’t matter what I use to try and get it to lay down, it doesn’t work. It just eventually settles down on it’s own. He still has fluffy baby hair. 😉

Hugs for Dad before he left! I love how excited Nathan is in every single picture!

At the campus!!

LOVE this of the two boys walking inside together. Parker gets to come as well, though he goes to a nursery for the little guys. But, he is SO proud of his backpack that matches his big brother’s!

Me and my first baby. 🙂

 When we first got inside, we went in his class to put his backpack away and all the other kids were running around and he pulled out a notebook and a pencil and sat down at his place and just start writing his name. 😉 SO cute. He is so excited to learn!! I love that! He had a great day with his teacher and classmates and we are now the proud owners of a pinto bean that we are going to attempt to grow into a plant. 😉

Tired but very happy at the end of the day. 😉 I think it was everything he hoped it would be. 😉

And this poor kid…ha! He was SO tired he could barely walk, but he insisted on wearing his “packpack” and carrying both his water and lunchbox. He had a great time too!

All in all, it was a wonderful first day of school for my sweet boy. So thankful for these last five years with him and so excited for this new adventure ahead. 🙂

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