And the winner of the guessing game is… (Edited to add: If you checked this morning, I totally forgot to put the winner down. Can we say pregnancy brain??!) Daneen Roberts! I just emailed you! 🙂
I have lots of pictures of the reveal, but first up, a few pictures from the past week or so…
So fun to see Aunt Nicole and Uncle Caleb for a whole week! Next time we get to see them, they will have a little boy of their own! So crazy!
These two. They were both sitting there trying to learn how to tie their shoes at Evie’s house the other day. When did they get permission to grow up so fast? They are still supposed to be fighting over sippy cups.
The real estate company that Jon works for had a little barbecue and I won free ticket to watch the minor baseball team in town play! We had the best time! 🙂
Me and soon to be middle. 😉
Someone was VERY intent on watching for foul balls.
VERY intent. And he dragged his little brother into it too. 😉
The stadium was basically empty, so Nathan talked Jon into going a little closer to see if they could catch one down there. Seriously the play after they came back up to our seats, someone hit a foul ball that landed right where they were standing and then rolled onto the lower decks. Nathan was completely heartbroken. It’s all for the best, I’m not sure Jon could have caught it and kept both boys on the right side of the rail! 😉
The best part of the game – watching “Ohbit” (or Orbit), the team’s mascot. That’s all Parker said during the game. “Bayball? Ohbit? Bayball! Ohbit!” Ha!
Me and the lopsided lump busy at work during rest/nap time. 😉
Nathan was messing around after rest time one day and slammed his forehead right into the window sill corner. So, we had to spend the rest of the afternoon in and out of ice packs and I kept checking his pupils. We had Awana orientation that night too and he bloodied up his knee on the monkey bars while we were there. It was a rough day.
This little is just asking for a goose egg of his own… every time I turn around, he’s climbing on something! He discovered the water button on the fridge this day and we started being a LOT more diligent about closing the kitchen baby gate.
Showing off the bruise/scrape. #chicksdigscars
This one. This one is a MESS. I don’t even know whether or laugh or cry at him most of the day. He’s just a complete disaster and I love him dearly.
Jon sent me packing after an open house and I got a little over two glorious hours alone. So, I did a few errands, wandered through a few stores by myself and then spent an entire hour eating this sea salt caramel bar, drinking a chocolate milkshake and reading my Bible and Calm My Anxious Heart. So, so wonderful and SO needed!! We have been having a rough time lately with my very strong-willed eldest and now Parker is starting into the terrible twos with “no” and “mine”. It’s been difficult to be level-headed and able to deal with these emotional issues when I’m so tired physically! The break was amazing.
Bought the shirts for the reveal while I was out – time to return one!! 🙂
Parker finally got another haircut – it was needed! A friend was telling me about this shop for kids and it was pretty cool! He got to sit in a yellow Hummer and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse the whole time. And they had us in and out in 12 minutes! Not bad!
Little love. He did great!
His face in this picture just cracks me up. He did not know what he thought about the clippers. 😉
Backpacks are here which means we are on the countdown to Nathan’s first day of school. Cannot, cannot believe my baby is so big!!
Mental note: Do not let Parker feed himself blueberry oatmeal ever again. The kid was stained blue all morning.
And that’s what we’ve been up to lately!! Reveal pictures coming tonight or tomorrow – we are just still in so much shock over here… so, so excited!
Congrats on the baby girl!!! How fun!!
Where did you get the baseball backpack? My family is headed to Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta and my son needs that backpack, lol!