We got to know the sonographer really well with all of Parker’s cord issues that we had to keep checking on, so it was very fun to catch up with her and see how she’s been. We talked and talked and I told her that I just knew it was a boy but Jon was convinced it was a girl. She told us when she was going to start looking for the gender and we both looked away. When I asked if she saw it, she said, “Oh yeah, definitely,” and I just knew it was a boy. She printed out the gender picture and put it in an envelope for us to open at dinner.
We have the same (though to a lesser extent) issue with the cord as we did with Parker, so we would so covet prayers over our baby’s protection in there! We’ll have another ultrasound at 28 weeks and a few more between then and delivery just to check up on her.
Fast forward to dinner, Jon and I ordered as fast as we could and then finally got to open the envelope! Our sweet sonographer had written a congratulations note and then put the picture of the ultrasound in the envelope. I unfolded the page, saw the word “GIRL” on the ultrasound picture and just started bawling right into Jon’s shoulder. Oh friends, I so thought that this little one was a boy and I honestly would have been completely overjoyed for another son but it is so so fun to think about having a daughter!! Jon and I just hugged and cried and Jon prayed for our sweet girl and it was just a wonderful, precious time!
Our poor waiter showed up right then to ask a question about our order and saw me crying and got all worried and I choked out, “We just found out we are having a girl!” and started crying again. Bless his heart. He was so cute. He was just a college guy so he had no idea. I felt so bad for him. Ha!
Anyway, I cried off and on throughout dinner (Jon was all teary too – it was so sweet!) and then they brought dessert out and set this in front of me and I just lost it all over again.
Such a sweet waiter! He even made sure he gave us pink handled fondue forks. We tipped well. 😉
We went over to Mom and Dad’s house and controlled our emotions and we had family over and skyped with a few out of town family and friends. Nathan got to cut open the cupcake that would tell everyone what it was…
And everyone FLIPPED OUT. The screaming totally scared poor Parker to death. Ha! We are all so excited for this little one! I think everyone thought this was another boy, so it was really fun to surprise everyone again!!
I was in so much disbelief still that I had to call our sonographer the next day just to hear it from her. She just started laughing and said, “Yes! It’s definitely a girl!” 😉 Ha!
And, I mean, I just had to go buy something girlish… 😉
The following week, we went and got a 3D ultrasound done. I always wanted to do this with the boys and never did and so we made sure we scheduled it this time around. It was SO fun. And she’s definitely a girl!! Love this sweet face!!
We are SO blessed!! I cannot stop praying for this precious baby girl. So thankful for the surprise of this pregnancy, the surprise of this little girl and this wonderful adventure we are about to start all over again. Please keep our sweet girl in your prayers!!
So much love to you all!!