Here’s what happened the week after Easter! 🙂
Love how these two love each other. They play all day long and are pretty much inseparable. When they aren’t together, all I hear about is the other one, whether it’s Nathan wondering how Parker is sleeping or Parker yelling “NENNON!!” Ha! Love that.
I walked in Nathan’s room to tell him rest time was over and found him like this. 🙁 Usually a good sign that he is sick and I think he ended up having some sort of weird virus. Poor guy.
This little guy loves the laundry basket. He pulled this over his head all by himself. He’s such a goose. And he is LOUD. Holy smokes. I kind of had assumed that Parker would be my laid back child but he’s giving Nathan a run for his money. He yells and baby talks and just makes noise all. day. long. And he’s ever the entertainer – at least at home, just like his brother. He’s a little more reserved out in public. It makes for a very fun, very crazy, very exhausting life right now. 😉
Parker is also walking about 95% of the time now and getting faster and faster. And he’s now tall enough to pull things off the table and counters. Life has changed quite a bit over here because of those things! 😉 I don’t sit too often.