Easter 2015

We had so much fun this Easter! Last year, we spent Easter still recuperating from the c-section, getting very little sleep with our newborn and we had just married off one of my brothers. This year, we had a VERY busy one year old, a VERY busy four year old, a very early morning at the sunrise service, joyful tears as we worshiped Jesus together and lots of eggs to hide and find. ๐Ÿ™‚

The sunrise service!! It started off freezing cold but as soon as the sun came up, it was one of the warmest sunrise services we have had in years!

Next we brought our stuff over to Gammy and Popsโ€™ house and gave the boys their Easter baskets there. So fun โ€“ Jon and I had bought Nathan a โ€œsecret agentโ€ watch weeks and weeks ago and heโ€™s hardly taken it off since. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And Parker was totally down with all these fun presents you get to just pull out of a basket.

Ready to go hunt for Easter eggs!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This year I filled them all with chocolate โ€“ the good kind, since most of the time, Jon and I end up snacking on the stash just as much as the boys. Ha! ๐Ÿ˜‰

It did not take long for this little one to get the hang of picking up the eggs and putting him in his basket. So cute.

Nathan is at such a fun age for Easter egg hunts!! He was on a mission. Jon and I hid those eggs in some pretty tough spots and he found most of them by himself.

Checking out the loot. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Love my little family so much!! So thankful to Jesus for giving me these goofy, silly, loud boys to call my own.

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