A few lasts and a super fun visit

This week, Parker finally got a haircut. And Jon and I were in severe mourning for several days. He just looked flat out old without his long baby hair! It’s getting a little easier for me to look at now but goodness. He went from baby to boy overnight.

And speaking of babies to boys overnight, my little Nathan had his very last day of Cubbies this past week. I’m still in denial.

He was so proud to get his award!! Next year, Sparkies!

These two. They play all the time. This was when they were being policeman at a police station. Nathan told me that it was sure busy because crimes just kept coming through the door. 😉

 We were SO excited that Nonnie came to visit last weekend!! It was a short visit and we packed the activities in. 😉 First up – Nathan’s last soccer game.

He did great! It has been so fun to see how he’s changed and grown over the last year. He totally understands the game now and he became a fantastic little player!

Next up, baseball! Love this of everyone saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

He is just SO CUTE. I can’t even stand it.

He got the game ball that all the players signed for doing so well during the game. He was SO so proud. The ball is now sitting in a place of honor in his room. So cute.

We came home and played with Nonnie and then she took us out to Mexican food and I totally left my phone at home so I got absolutely zero pictures. 🙁 But we had such a wonderful time!! 

On Sunday, we woke up to rain, she fixed up Parker’s hair for us and then we went out for a pizza lunch that was amazingly good. Love this picture. 🙂

The whole crew!

Since it was raining, we couldn’t go do an outside activity, so we went to Explora, a children’s museum in town. It was SO much fun. Oh my goodness. We had such a great time! Nathan LOVED it. And he especially loved the bubble station. He was concentrating so hard!
This one was more about seeing how much soap and suds he could splash onto his hair, eyes, clothes and Daddy. 😉

Learning about expressions. 🙂

It was POURING RAIN that afternoon and absolutely freezing cold, so we came home, the boys took a warm bath and then we all snuggled up in our cozy clothes and Nonnie read to the boys for a bit. It was so sweet. Then it was off to the airport and we brought home two very tired, very sad boys. 😉

This week has been pretty much life back to normal for us. I’ve spent a lot of time writing and the boys have spent a lot of time in their jammies. And this little cutie is just too stinking cute for his own good – I cannot get enough of those cheeks!! He woke up today and I could just tell he did not feel good at all, so we headed back to the doctor and he’s got a double ear infection. 🙁 Praying that the new antibiotic will knock it out for good!

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