How is it already a year ago??! This year has hands down been the absolute fastest of my entire life.
Last weekend was Nathan’s first soccer game of the spring. Yep – we have unintentionally doubled up on sports this year and Jon is coaching both teams AND finishing up his dossier for work. We are busy. 😉 He did great though and scored two goals! He had so much fun. We were very proud of him!
Watching brother play. Poor kid. This is going to be his life for awhile. 😉
We had a movie night that night and the kids loved it. I’m pretty sure it’s Nathan’s favorite tradition that we have. Parker just thinks it’s about the coolest thing ever to eat off the floor. 😉
Today, Nathan woke up coughing so we stayed home from BSF and have pretty much spent the day doing nothing. I’m party planning and working on Bake Me a Match. I’m so excited for you guys to find out what happens this summer!
I also started Piyo this week. It’s fun! Now that Parker is sleeping well (so so thankful!), I’ve been able to get up early and workout and do my Bible study and occasionally even get a full cup of coffee in before the boys wake up. Thank you Daylight Savings Time! 😉 Have any of you ever done this workout?? What were your thoughts?
Hope y’all are having a great night! 🙂
I can't believe that Parker is going to be one soon! What are you doing for your Bible study? Excited to read Bake Me a Match! : )