On Friday night, we went to Menchies for free frozen yogurt and the boys had the best time. It was SO crowded and so much fun. Especially since we had a little Frozen sing-along on the way there and back. Nathan was in heaven. 😉
This little pajama-clad boy is just one of my favorites. Take note of the destruction my house is in. It pretty much looks like this all day every day unless it is nap time or bedtime.
Saturday was the start to the day that Jon has been waiting for since the moment the ultrasound tech said the words “it’s a boy” – we registered Nathan for Little League. 😉 He’s going to be playing t-ball this spring and he is SO excited. So is Jon. 😉 Ha! They were so cute checking out the big kids practicing. Nathan can’t wait. We spent the evening at Gammy and Pops’ house and had a wonderful time!!
And then Sunday morning, Parker and I woke up on the sniffly side and by the mid-morning, we were both pretty yucky feeling. So, we spent the day lounging around watching Netflix and I’m pretty sure I drank my weight in orange juice and tea. 😉 We pretty much had a repeat of that yesterday and we are both a little better by today so just praying that we’re back to normal by tomorrow or so.
We at least felt good enough to take Kody to the vet this morning. He’s had a weird thing on his leg for a few weeks that hasn’t gotten any better so it was time to check it out. The boys in my family appreciated the camo bandage he got to sport. 😉
How was your weekend??