Winner and life right now

And the winner of the $25 Starbucks card and a copy of your favorite Paige novel goes to….

Christine Whitman-Benzenberg!

Yay!! Please email me at and I will get those to you!!

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately:

1. Playing. Playing. Destroying my house and playing.

2. It is finally getting nicer outside, so this is about to change but when it’s super cold, Parker wears his pajamas 97% of the time. The other 3% may or may not be when he’s in the tub. I am not telling. Thus the fact that almost every picture is of him in his jammies. 😉

 3. Jon and I started the #Whole30 diet this morning. This was my snack when the boys were down for rest/nap time today. I usually have chocolate chips and/or Craisins or something else sweet. Morale is low. 😉 Technically, you aren’t supposed to have snacks but I get a small pass for nursing. Morale improved a little on finding that out but plummeted yet again when I realized what that meant. 😉

4. I am about to start another deadline and I keep finding other things to do so I don’t have to start. “Oh but I MUST clean out my kitchen cabinets RIGHT NOW before I start the deadline!!” “Have you SEEN my laundry room?” “Yikes, the backyard…”

5. The Maya Davis series is getting a makeover! I’m soooo excited about the new look and I can’t wait to show the covers to you!!

I have SO much catching up to do on here and it’s just overwhelming. But in the meantime, here’s what this little one has been doing on an hourly basis and I just think it’s about the cutest thing:

Hello? from Erynn Mangum on Vimeo.

Ha!! Love both my chatterboxes. 😉

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One thought on “Winner and life right now

  1. Erynn,
    Love you, and your books. Please don't change the covers. The originals are perfect. 🙂

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