I absolutely ADORE this picture – Parker is usually up from nap before Nathan is done cleaning his room up after his rest time, so everyday Parker always crawls as fast as he can over to Nathan’s door and bangs on it while yelling “Buh-buh! Buh-buh!” So precious. He loves Brother so much!! He’s pretty consistently calling him “buh-buh” for brother. I about die from the cuteness every time. 😉 He says “dada” and lots of baby talk too! He also says Mama but only when he’s either hurt, sad, tired or hungry. Ha!
Advent has started!! We love this advent calender house! Nathan looks forward to opening the door every single night. 🙂
And Christmas is officially here because it was time to go see the Nutcracker again!! This is one of our FAVORITE things to do and this year, we invited Gammy along so the adults could be on man-to-man defense. 😉 I love this picture!
Waiting to go into the auditorium! Nathan was beside himself with excitement. 😉
Finally inside!! Both boys did fantastically – SO much better than I was anticipating!! Parker even watched most of the performance! We had the best time!!
Sweet little doll-face. He is becoming the funniest little ham – I think we are going to have two VERY big personalities on our hands with these boys. I just adore this little pacifier smile!! 🙂
Making ornaments as per the advent calender’s instruction. 😉 He was so very careful with it. It’s so amazing to me how much he’s grown up even in the last couple of months.
“Hey! Hey! I think I see Santa!” This little sugar is a little obsessed with our fireplace and the doors and the glass and the extra fun little pebbles inside it…
I let Parker have a snack of puffs with big brother while they watched a short show after nap and rest time one day. Guys, he totally thought he was the big man on campus because of it the rest of the day. It was SO funny. Ha!
The real date night for my love’s birthday! We had a wonderful, wonderful time just talking and not having any children around! Ha! 🙂
My big helper at destroying the kitchen. We made Christmas popcorn with M&Ms, pretzels and sprinkles. It was great except for the popcorn part. 😉
Teeth are so helpful when it comes to eating real food! This boy used to not like anything that even remotely had texture to it but now he is scarfing down real food like a pro. He loves sweet potatoes, loves bananas, loves blueberries and especially loves French fries. 😉
Dad’s helper with the lights. Nathan loves, loves, loves to help. He’s loved to be a helper with anything we are doing since he was tiny. Love that about him!
First sippy cup!! He did pretty good! 🙂 He wasn’t a huge fan of the ice cold water (probably should have tried room temp first – oops!) but all in all, he liked it! 🙂
Parker’s best baby friend, Junie. 🙂 These two are hilarious together. We just love these girls!
Brothers make the best pull-up bars slash snuggle buddies. 😉
Nathan wrote his first letter to Santa this last week! He was so meticulous and worked so hard on it. It was adorable. He wrote Santa’s name and his name and then drew pictures of what he wanted Santa to bring. Jon helped him write the envelope and we drove to Macy’s to mail it in the big red mailbox. 😉
He was not excited about it at all. 😉 He could barely contain his joy. Ha! After we mailed it, we went to the Disney store and Nathan picked out a buddy for Parker for his Christmas present. He hid it from Parker through the whole store and wrapped it himself the very next day. So cute. 😉
He’s been so funny about Santa this year. We don’t really talk about Santa that much except to just say that he lives at the North Pole and brings presents and likes cookies and stuff. Nathan was listening to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and heard the line about him seeing you while you’re sleeping and knowing when you’re awake and was just completely aghast and said, “Mom. Santa doesn’t know when I’m sleeping or when I’m awake! Santa doesn’t know that! Jesus is the only one who knows that. Michael Buble lied!”
Speaking of Santa… 😉 This baby loves himself a bubble bath.
Look at those teeth (and ignore my messy house!)!! I cannot believe how big my baby is getting!! 🙁 And that little grin just makes me laugh!