Soccer!! Nathan played his last game for the semester last Saturday and did FANTASTIC. So proud of that boy. He definitely bloomed athletically over the last couple of months!
We had a little swimming and dinner thing at my parents’ house and the three big kids got in their jammies afterward, sat on a mat and watched Disney Channel. Very surreal moment realizing how old they are…
A little Sunday afternoon family football watching time. 🙂
This kid just makes me laugh.
One of the reasons I haven’t written as much on here lately is because every spare second I get, I’m working like crazy on my deadline. Jon has been AMAZING and sent me to go write several times over the last few weeks when he’s gotten off work. Love that man. Love my job!
We had a coupon and I couldn’t pass up this Jack-O-Lantern pizza. Hilarious. Nathan did not see that it was a pumpkin at all. He kept saying, “Well, they messed the crust up.” Ha!
Seriously. He loves to hang things out of his mouth. Pacifier clips, spit up rags, toys, you name it. We just laugh all day long.
One of the very few quizzes I’ve taken during nursing breaks that actually got it right! I mean write. I mean… 😉
I heart this boy. 🙂
Don’t forget!! Our book club is going to be THIS THURSDAY!! Can’t wait to discuss Sandra’s book with you all!! 🙂
I'm so excited to read what you're writing! Fangirl-ing out about it a little bit now. 🙂
Can you give us a hint on what you're writing? 🙂
We've done the pumpkin pizza every year…. except this year. :/ SO fun!!! 🙂 Love your little boy. Love your older little boy. Love your main man. Love YOU!!!
~ Jen