Friends, Family and the Fourth

With Caleb and Nicole leaving, we spent basically every free minute over at the house with them. In the meantime, here are a few fun things that happened:

This smiley boy loves his uncle!!

Brotherly love. These two adore each other.

One day during Parker’s nap, Nathan pretended it was Halloween for awhile and trick-or-treated for his felt kitchen food. It was hilarious.

Happy 4th of July!! Love these boys. Nathan was SO EXCITED that it was America’s birthday! 😉

And we had an amazing time celebrating!! My dear friend Melanie and her family moved last summer and they came back this last weekend for a visit. SO much fun. We have missed them so much! Loved getting to chat with her and let the kids go crazy at the park. And especially loved catching up with her the next morning for some much needed girl time over breakfast.

Silly kids. 🙂 These two have always been just trouble together. Most of these pictures are courtesy of Melanie – I was awful getting my camera out all weekend. Thanks friend!!

The whole crew!! Loved it!! Including the newest little Lunch Buncher, June.

Cutest patriotic boy I’ve ever seen. 😉

We are slightly taken with this baby. Just in case you couldn’t tell. 😉

And THEN – to make the weekend even better, our wonderful friends from Colorado Springs came down for the weekend as well! Such a fantastic visit!

These two were bestest buds this weekend. LOVED seeing them bonding.

Jen and Parker Bear. Adore this picture. Baby Emma is exactly a month younger than Parker and Noah is almost exactly six months older than Nathan. Those kids have been prayed for like nothing else between the two of us – I can’t imagine life without my dear, dear friend!! Their visit here was precious and far too short.

It’s semi-impossible to get a good picture of four children four and under. 😉

Parker soaked in some time with his Aunt Nicole before they left. Love this.

Sleepy boy. Showing off for Emma wore him out.

I woke up one morning and looked over in Parker’s pack n play right beside my bed and saw this sweet face smiling at me. There is no better way to wake up. 🙂

Caleb gave Nathan a little play dough dental set and he was yelling, “Look, Mom! I’m going to be a dentist like Uncle Caleb!” Praying Uncle Caleb doesn’t massacre his patients like this one did. 😉

We are at three days until a certain someone turns four years old. I can’t even believe it. Where does the time go??

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