Coming soon!!

I am SO sorry it’s been so quiet on here, friends! But, I finally get to tell you all what I’ve been working on every chance I get (which isn’t too often with these two busy boys!!).

Coming VERY soon to a Kindle near you, it’s my newest novella!! I’m very excited for you guys to meet Jane and Sam. 🙂 As soon as I have a release date, I will let you guys know!

In the meantime, how about a quick contest for a free copy of Return to Chocolate when it releases?? Leave a comment telling me what your favorite indulgent treat is and I’ll pick a winner on Wednesday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

🙂 Have a great Monday!

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36 thoughts on “Coming soon!!

  1. Can't wait for a new novella just finished Paige Turned last night and loved it. Paige might just be my favorite heroine of yours.

  2. So hard to pick a favorite but I love cheesecake and mint chocolate chip ice cream. : )

  3. My favorite indulgences all involve chocolate. I really like nanaimo bars (it's a Canadian thing), but there's also something wonderful about a warm brownie filled with melt-y chocolate chips and topped with some ice cream. Mmmm. Now I am salivating a little.

  4. My favorite is chocolate chip cookies but really I'll take anything with chocolate!!

  5. My new favorite "healthy" chocolate dessert is plain yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of peanut butter until creamy and then add in a handful of chocolate chips. DELICIOUS!!!! 🙂

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