Oh boy! (or oh girl!) – A contest!! ;)

I couldn’t resist. πŸ˜‰

who is up for a little contest?? Leave a comment with whether you think we are having a boy or a girl and I’ll draw a random winner on Wednesday! You can win your
choice of an autographed Paige Torn or Paige Rewritten. And I will be sure to update you all with what we are having Tuesday night after we find out!!

A few fun facts about this pregnancy compared with Nathan’s:

* With Nathan, I couldn’t stand chicken or eggs. I haven’t been bothered at all by either one this time around!

I threw up once every day or so with Nathan until about 14 or so weeks.
With this one, I’m just now going a week without being sick (and I was
twenty weeks yesterday!) and I was sick at least 3-4 times a day in the

* Nathan’s heartbeat was always around 140, this one has averaged in the high 140s to the low 150s.

* I think I’m carrying the same, though I definitely started showing earlier this time around!

Nathan was a lot more active than this one. I feel kicks occasionally,
but nothing like the ninja attacks Nathan was famous for (maybe we are
going to have a slightly calmer child this time??)

* I have no idea whether it’s a he or a she and I also am not really hoping one way or the other. Having a boy has been so much fun and I honestly think it would be so wonderful to have two crazies running around here in their over-sized football helmets! But I also think a girl would be so fun because it would be so different than what we are used to right now. πŸ™‚

I’m so so so overwhelmed with thankfulness – God has blessed us so much! My heart is spilling over. πŸ™‚ Continuing to pray for you, dear friends!!

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101 thoughts on “Oh boy! (or oh girl!) – A contest!! ;)

  1. Girl πŸ™‚ I always though you would have a girl after Nathan so I am sticking with that! I am on the edge of my seat waiting to find out (kinda like how I am on the edge of my seat wanting to find out how the Paige series ends!)

  2. I think you're going to have another little boy! They'll be so cute together πŸ™‚ So excited for you guys!

    By the way, I'm not entering the competition, as I live outside the US. *Ice cream time* πŸ˜› xx

  3. I'm so glad you're finding out! My boy (who is WILD now) gave me gentle, sweet nudges, but my mild-mannered, sweet-as-sugar girl was an acrobat in the womb! I kind of expected her to be a brat. HA! I hope you have a girl because it's really fun to have one of each! So happy for you!

  4. It's totally a boy. Seriously. I'm telling you.

    My second boy was much less active inside than my first, and his heart rate was always 150ish, as compared to Josh's which was lower. But he was still a boy. And now you have my "scientific" reasoning. Can't WAIT to find out!!! =)

  5. A girl! My sister in law just found out she's having a baby girl so I'm thinking there could be something in the air!

  6. My pregnancies were different as far as morning (or all day) sickness, things I could eat, etc., and I had two girls. Nathan is a cutie and no matter which you are blessed with, he/she will be simply adorable! I will guess a girl, though! πŸ™‚

  7. I think boy!!
    I am so so excited for you and your little family – I squealed and bounced a bit when you posted that you were pregnant again! What an incredible blessing. πŸ™‚

  8. I think it's a GIRL! This baby is super blessed and loved either way! Love you, Erynn! πŸ™‚ -Sara Enloe, Your Birthday Twin-

  9. I wish it was a girl so you can have one of each, but I'm going to say boy. Just have that feeling! <3

  10. Girl! Just because they are so fun to dress up and have tea parties with and all that good girlie stuff. Congrats either way! So happy for you! πŸ™‚ ~Audrey

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